4. in this together

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Aurora opened her eyes and saw the familiar interior of the Salvatore home. She sat up quickly and looked around, her head spinning as she did, she ignored it, however. There were more important matters. How did she get here? Last thing she remembers is Kai shooting her in the side with a crossbow, him holding her so she couldn't escape with Damon and Bonnie, therefore they left without her. She was trapped in a constant loop of 1994 with Kai. The thought of Kai made her jump, she looked around for any sight of him, he clearly brought her back here after she collapsed on the cave floor from blood loss.

Thinking of that, she lifted her shirt up and saw some roughly done stitches across her side, he didn't leave her die, he came back. "Finally you're awake" his voice speaks up from the side of the room, she adverts her gaze from her stitches to him, he still was in the same clothes. "You're welcome by the way" he says gesturing to her stitches, Aurora scoffs and shakes her head, "You think I should thank you? You're the reason why I needed them in the first place" she says angrily standing up but falls back onto the couch immediately.

Kai laughs, "You don't have the energy to argue with me right now Rora. So I think you should just sit down and shut up" he responds, Aurora scoffs again and looks away from him. He walks over to the table in front of the couch Aurora was sitting on, he emptied the backpack he had on. Aurora looks confused, "What's this junk?" she says looking at all the pieces on the table. "This junk is the ascendant. I need you to start putting it back together" he says pushing the pieces towards her.

"Who says I'm helping you" Aurora scoffs looking at him disgusted, "I said, we're in this together" he says smiling. Aurora forces out a laugh, "Ha you seriously think I'm helping you" she says crossing her arms. Kai's smile drops, he quickly walks around the table and roughly grabs Aurora's arms forcing her up, making her wince. "Yeah I think you'll wanna help. Don't think of it as helping me, but helping yourself, you help me help you, help us escape. We escape, do what we planned to do, and never see each other again" Kai says holding her wrists tight so she can't pull away, Aurora doesn't answer him.

Kai chuckles again, "Or I can kill you right here right now and find my own way out and leave you. Your choice" he says smiling, Aurora moves her eyes off him and onto the ascendant pieces on the table before looking back at him, "Fine, but I'm doing this for me, not you" she says through gritted teeth. Kai smiles and let's her go, "I knew you'd agree, Rora" he says walking away, "Where are you going" Aurora shouts to him, he turns around, "To find another way out this place" he shouts still walking, "Tick tock Rory, quicker that is put back together, the quicker we leave this place" he adds as Aurora sighs and begins to try put the ascendant back together.

She spreads the pieces out and looks on where to begin, "Oh where to begin where to begin" she mumbles to herself, she grabs a few of the pieces and sees if the piece back together, but no luck. Her mind is still racing, her thoughts are all what she would be doing if she wasn't stuck in this prison world. She'd be reunited with Caroline, they'd be in their dorm room watching Netflix and catching up on all the stuff that Aurora missed while she was in the prison world, and just enjoying each other's company and the fact that Aurora wasn't dead, and she was happy and alive.

But instead, she got sucked back in and is still trapped with no Bonnie Bennett to magic her way out, her only piece of company and quite literally the only person to talk to is the person who kept her here, he's the reason why she isn't reunited with Caroline right now, why she'll probably be in this prison world until the day she dies, she'll never get to see Caroline again, and it's all Kai Parker's fault.

Aurora put the pieces she was holding down and ran her fingers through her hair frustrated. "I need to shower" she mumbles standing up off her position on the couch, still a little shaky, but she manages to make her way upstairs to where Damon's room is, since he has the best shower. On her way past she spots Kai in one of the study rooms looking through the grimoire that Bonnie grabbed while she was here. He was muttering to himself as he read along, Aurora found herself staring at him, looking at all his features. She wasn't blind, he was attractive, no doubt in that, but she hates him, he's the reason she's here still and not reuniting with her friends.

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