23. the merge

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Aurora and Caroline sat sleeping in their Mom's room, after the latter spent the day in the hospital, trying to find out a way to help with her cancer, she tried vampire blood, which miraculously worked. Since that worked on the patient at the hospital, Caroline felt safe to give vampire blood to her Mom to cure her cancer.
Aurora was at first skeptical about it, according to Stefan, he hadn't heard of vampire blood curing cancer before, but Caroline was definite that it'll work.

Aurora wanted to believe that it would work, she really did, she didn't want to lose her Mom, she already lost her Dad, she didn't want to lose the only parent she had left. Their group had lost a lot over the years, Elena and Jeremy lost their parents a few years ago, Aurora and Caroline's Dad was barely around anymore, too busy with his new boyfriend and family in another state. Tyler lost his Dad, given he was an asshole, he was still a parental figure.

Matt's Mom left again, and she hasn't been heard from much, she was only home when Vicki disappeared, or died. Then Elena lost her biological parents, and then Jenna, Caroline and Aurora actually lost their Dad, then Alaric, Tyler lost his Mom, that left Liz Forbes being the only adult figure left. And after so much loss to the supernatural, Aurora never thought something so stupid and plain as cancer would rip her Mom away from her.

She wasn't ready to say goodbye if it came down to it. She doesn't want too. Saying goodbye is hard. And Aurora doesn't want to say goodbye.


Aurora had to go out the house, it was Liv's birthday and she wanted to wish her friend a happy birthday. She was worried about leaving her Mom, but Caroline promised she'd be okay, and if anything happened, she'd call her. But she assured nothing would happen. Caroline hadn't told Aurora about Colin showing up the other night while they slept, she had no idea, Caroline didn't want Aurora to worry, because if Aurora knew that there was a very big chance in their mother dying, she'd explode.

Caroline already knew she had a lot going on with Kai, and telling her about the chance their mother will most likely die, wouldn't help the latter's case. Though she didn't have any magic, she'd still cause a magical explosion, something that only happens when Aurora gets extra stressed or worried, and since she was already worried enough about their Mom, Caroline didn't want to add to it.

She reached where she was knew Liv would be before her dinner with her Dad, Luke was by her side of course. "Happy Birthday, Livvy" Aurora sang approaching the pair, Liv turned around, redden cheeks, embarrassed, Luke playfully rolled his eyes, "Nice to know you care" Aurora smiled at him, "I was getting there" she defends, "Happy Birthday, Luke" he smiles small at her, "Thanks, but you should probably go, our Dad could be here soon" Liv tells her.

"What? I don't get to meet Papa Parker?" she teases, both twins tense up, "Relax, I was joking. I don't wanna meet him. From things I've heard, he's a dick" Aurora says, though she's only heard things from Kai, and few from Liv, which have been all terrible things, "He just loves the coven" Luke defends, "Right, making your kids merge together like that's something normal" she rolls her eyes, "That's why we're gonna talk to him. Hopefully talk him out of making us do it. Get Kai and Jo to do it" Luke informs her.

"No offence to Jo, but Kai would beat her" Aurora says, if she got a nose bleed from a simple cloaking spell, meanwhile Kai who was able to do that no problem, then she wasn't going to win. "Kai's in a magical coma. It gives Jo time to prepare to beat him" Luke says, Aurora shakes her head, "What if your Dad doesn't go for it? From what I've heard he hates Kai. And he probably knows Kai is stronger and would easily beat Jo"

"Why are you so pro Kai?" Liv asks her, "I'm not" Aurora immediately says, the twins share a look, she clears her throat, "I mean, I'm just skeptical, is all. As a siphoner myself, we're powerful. And Kai's had 18 years of anger, he'll make sure he wins no matter what" before either of the twins could reply, a man calls out to them, "Lucas, Olivia. I've been waiting" he says approaching the trio, "Who's your friend?" he asks nodding at Aurora, who awkwardly smiles at him.

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