27. people grieve differently

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Aurora had to go to Whitmore to drop off some papers early in the morning, but once she got home, she found her house completely empty. "What the hell?" she said out loud. She walked all over the house, everything was gone, the only thing that remained was a couple of boxes in her room, with  a note on top.

Sold everything xx Don't come looking for me. Thanks - Caroline

Elena informed her when she was at Whitmore that Caroline turned her humanity off last night when they got home, and then totally dipped town. "Woah, is this the right house?" Kai's voice said, Aurora spun around to see him, she was surprised, "What are you doing here?' she asked, "Came to see you" he smiled, walking over to her, "I heard what happened, are you okay?" he asked, showing signs of sadness.

"Are you?" she asked, not used to him showing worry and concern, "Yeah, but ever since I merged with Luke, I've been feeling guilty and sad over... certain things" he explains, "So, what? You wouldn't usually feel bad for me?" she questions, crossing her arms, "Exactly– I mean, I would feel bad, because I care– I like– I hate seeing you sad" he stumbled on his words, "Right" Aurora trailed off, looking around her empty house.

"So. What happened here?" he asked, waltzing around what used to be the living room, "Caroline turned her humanity off and took everything and left" she told him, "Everything?" he asked, she nodded, "Well, except for a few boxes in my room" she informed him, "What's in them?" he questions, she shrugs her shoulders, "I don't know, clothes" she replied, "Though, I wouldn't be surprised if it was some head or something"

Kai giggles, "A head? Really?" he says, "Yeah, non-humanity vampire. She could do anything. She clearly wants to be left alone" she explains, "So, you have nowhere to stay?" he asks, "I mean, technically I live here, but there's nothing here, so" she trails off, looking helpless around the room. "Could move in with me" he suggested out of the blue, "Really?" she turned to him shocked, he nodded, "Yeah, why not, it could be like we're back in the prison world" he cheekily comments, Aurora rolls her eyes.

"I don't even know if I have anything" she exclaimed, walking up the stairs towards her room, Kai following after her, to expect what was in the boxes, Caroline left in what was Aurora's room. She felt weird walking in, seeing absolutely nothing there, no bed, no mirror, no vanity, nothing, just a few cardboard boxes, sitting in the middle of the room. "Great room, Rora, really" he sarcastically comments, "Shut up, it was nice before Caroline went and took everything" she rolls her eyes, "At least she left something for you" Kai points out.

"I don't even know if this is useful" she comments, sitting on the ground, crossed legged, before ripping open the box. First thing she saw was the camera Kai gave her, sitting atop some clothes, "Hey! At least she left the camera behind, got history on there" he cheekily grins, "Oh! Which reminds me of a few things" he brings up, "What?" she looks at him, "Did you know–" he starts, "No, but I'm sure you'll tell me"

"Why are you so snappy" he questions, crossing his arms, she huffs, annoyance shown on her face, "My Mom just died, and my sister has completely skipped town and taken everything, and I have no freaking idea what to do, and I'm trying to not blow up" she snaps, he chuckles, "Blowing up stuff is fun, you should try it" he tells her, before she can snap again, he continues on his story from before, "So, did you know, there are multiple prison worlds? Cause your buddy Alaric didn't" he chuckles to himself.

"Wait what?" she asks, shaking her head in disbelief, "Yeah" he scoffs to himself, "I mean, where did you think we ended up after escaping our prison world. That was only one of them" he tells her, "Wait, so that woman–?" she starts, "Was banished there, yep. That's her prison world" he cuts her off, "Which year is that prison world from?" she asks him, seeing he seems to know all the answers at the moment, "1903" he tells her, "And how do you know all this? And how do I know you're not lying to me?" she asks.

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