35. the return

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The apartment. Their apartment. Aurora hasn't been here in over 4 years, she's surprised that it's still there, all the stuff left there from 4 years ago, exactly how it was left. Caroline told Aurora Mystic Falls wasn't the same anymore, it was very different, and Aurora got that when she drove into the town. Matt was sheriff for one, she remembered him and Tyler training to be deputies, something must've gone well for Matt, Tyler however, she hadn't seen since the wedding, she wondered what he was up to.

Mystic Falls isn't the same place it once was. Aurora remembers her life before she knew of the supernatural, over a decade ago when the biggest of her problems was Kimberley Fell on the school playground, now, apparently it's the devil himself causing all the recent problems for her friends.

Aurora remembers when she was 11 years old, her and Jeremy were playing in his backyard, pretending to be pirates, Aurora can't quite remember what they were doing exactly, but she knows they had a hell of a lot of fun. Now, she's 23, a completely different person from what she was a decade ago. For one, she isn't married to a prince like she thought she'd be, instead, she's alone, very much alone.

She isn't living with Jeremy like they planned to when they were 8, in fact, she hasn't talked to Jeremy in years, she can't even remember the last time she saw him. That's what happened when she packed and left that night without telling anyone. She lost contact with most of her friends, they did try to call at first, but stopped once they realized Aurora wasn't answering.

She just needed time. Time away from Mystic Falls to heal herself. She lost a lot of people close to her and needed to grieve away from the town that caused it all. Some could say Mystic Falls is cursed, and Aurora would agree. So many people close to  her have died here; Jenna, Alaric, Jeremy, Bonnie, Enzo, Liv, herself, Kai... Some have been lucky enough to come back, but she can't say the same for those that didn't.

Mystic Falls was a cursed town. Those who are lucky enough to get out alive should stay out and never come back, before the curse takes them, and this time, they don't come back.


Aurora was on her way to the Armory, she had agreed with Alaric and Caroline that she'd work daily with the twins to try and figure out what is wrong with their magic and why it's spiraling like that. She couldn't think of why two adorable little girls couldn't control their magic. When Aurora was their age, she was fine, okay, she exploded a balloon once when she was 6, but she thought it was some freaky coincidence, and not to do with the fact she was a witch.

But Lizzie and Josie both seem stable, they both have loving parents, so what could be the reason that their magic is spiraling out of control? Her phone started ringing, since she was driving, she used her car and answered, "Hey Ric, what's up?" she picked up, "Where are you?" he asked, his voice racing with panic. "Um– I'm almost at the Armory, like 5 minutes out" she explained, "Why?"

"Kai got out," Alaric explained, "Hold on– WHAT?" Aurora basically screamed, she almost crashed her car, "What do you mean? Kai's dead, has been for years" she said, confused, "He was in hell and got out" Alaric briefly explained, "Hurry up and get to the Armory" he barked, "Why? What's going on?" she asked him, taking the turn down the road that gets to the Armory.

"He's trying to kill Lizzie and Josie" Alaric told her, "I need you to go there, distract, stop, whatever, just don't let him hurt the girls" Alaric said, before Aurora could ask more questions he hung up on her. Aurora sat there, trying to form words, any words, but she was left speechless. She had to get down to the Armory now.

She sped up until she got there, parking her car and racing in. The alarms were all going off, her heart was racing, Kai was back... after years apart, he's back. She didn't know what to do or expect, would he be the same person? She definitely wasn't the same person she was 3 years ago. She used to be scared of the world around her, what goes hiding in the dark when you shut off the light.

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