9. you wish

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It had only been 3 hours into the drive, and there was still heaps more left, "Why are we going to Portland?" Aurora asked turning her head to Kai's in the driver's seat. "Because my family is a powerful coven of witches and they have grimoires, which may have an idea on how to get out of here" Kai tells the girl, Aurora nods, "Right so, what 40 hours in a car with you to find out if your families grimoires have a way out for us" she says sarcastically, Kai chuckles, "Most girls would love to spend 40 hours in a confined space with me" he smirks, Aurora rolls her eyes, "Yeah but I'm not most girls" she replies, "Right, I forgot you're the fun police, the girl who doesn't know how to have fun" Kai laughs, "You're a dick" Aurora scoffs turning her attention out the window and admired the outside world.

"Oh come on, I know you love me Rora" Kai says facing the girl beside him, "That's the very last emotion I feel for you" she scoffs not looking at him, "Whatever" Kai says in a sing song tone, "You ever been to the Grand Canyon? Or The French Quarter?" Kai added asking the girl, "Yes, I've seen the Grand Canyon. We took a trip there for History once" Aurora says laughing at the memory. "My friend, Matt almost fell down it when we were there" she chuckles, but then her face fell at the memory and the mention of Matt, she misses him, he was one of the only normal people in Mystic Falls.

"Hey no, I know that face, you're thinking about your friends and how much you miss them. Don't Rora, I am not putting up with you being sad for hours on end. You'll see your friends as soon as we get out of here. So turn that frown upside down before I dump you on streets and leave you" Kai threatens playfully, Aurora chuckles, them remembered another memory, this time a funny one.


An 7 year old Aurora and a 9 year old Caroline were sat in the back of their mother's car, arguing of course just like siblings do. "Mom! Rory is squishing me" Caroline yelled shoving her sister, "No I'm not!" Aurora yelled back, "Stop it" Caroline shouted. Aurora and Caroline went back and forward hitting each other until their mother, Liz Forbes had enough. She pushed on the breaks catching the girls off guard which stopped their fighting. "Mom why did you-" Caroline started by her mother cut her off.

"Out the both of you. You can walk home" she told her kids, they looked at each other confused, "But-" Aurora started, "Nope. I don't wanna hear it. Out" Liz said pointing out at the door. Caroline and Aurora undid their seat each and opened their doors. Caroline came and stood next to Aurora confused, "I'll see you at home" their mother said before driving off leaving them on the side of the road. Both girls shouting as she did so. "This is all your fault" Aurora said pointing at Caroline, "Me? No this is your fault" Caroline resorted crossing her arms.

The two girls stood their in silence before looking at each other and pulled each other into a hug. "I'm sorry" they both said, the two girls pulled out of the hug. Caroline's head turned to the side, a smirk came across her face, "You know, if we wanna get mom back, we should go to Elena's, it's right there" she said pointing to a house down the street. Aurora nodded her head, "Show her to leave us on the side of the road" she said grabbing her sister's hand and running to their friends house.

End of Flashbacks

"Hold up, so she left you on the side of the road because you were arguing? And you guys just made up and went to your friends house?" Kai says laughing, Aurora nods while laughing, "Yep. We got grounded for a week though because she thought we went missing and scared her half to death. It would've been two weeks, but we brought up it was her fault we were there" Aurora said smiling over at Kai. "Wow, I never thought you were such a badass Rora" Kai commented smirking at her, she shrugged her shoulders, "I'm more than there is to the eye Kai" she smirks back.

"And for your question about going to The French Quarter, I've never been there, nor do I wanna go. We kinda have these, I guess old enemies there, and yeah I don't wanna see them. In the real world that is, here, can do whatever I want with no one to judge..... well except you of course" she says playfully rolling her eyes, "Well Louisiana is about an hour away, wanna take a detour there? Or some other time if we have time in here?" Kai suggests looking over at her with kind eyes for the first time. Aurora sighs, "We should probably get to Portland, the quicker we find a way out, the quicker we get home and can do what we want to do" she says avoiding his gaze.

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