18. merry christmas

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Aurora's eyes open as the warm May sun shines through the window, like it has done each day she's been trapped here. It was nice though, waking up to the sun shining through, seeing it rise above the town, a sight she doesn't usually see, since her dorm room doesn't see the sun, her bed facing away from the window. She sits up and grabs the mini calendar that sat on the bedside table, crossing off another day. Her eyes gazing over to today's date, December 25th 2012.

Today was Christmas Day, it was also the day Aurora and Kai were going to escape the prison world, after of course having 'one last day of fun' which after that, they would make their grand escape into the real world. Aurora was worried for escaping, to going back, she promised Bonnie, as well as everyone else for that matter, that she wouldn't bring Kai back, that he'd be staying behind. But here she is, going to break that promise and bring him back.

What is she going to say once Kai randomly shows up one day? Opps? No, her friends will figure out she brought Kai back willingly, no threats, no nothing involved, just her being nice, her bringing her friend back. Whether her friends back in the real world like it or not, she doesn't hate Kai, not anymore, overtime while being trapped here, he's grown on her, she actually enjoys his company and feels odd whenever he isn't around her, like something is missing.

"Good, you're up, cause the party starts now" Kai says walking into her room noticing she's sitting up and awake. "What exactly are we doing today?" she asked, he shrugged his shoulders, "Whatever the hell we want" he replies, "Just get dressed, get ready and... Come downstairs" he adds walking out the room, closing the door behind him. Aurora sighs and climbs out bed, leaving the comfort of the sheets one finally time, since she'll no longer be sleeping there.

She walked over to the dresser to pick on an outfit to wear, she decided to wear a pair of short overall's with a Guns N' Roses shirt underneath, matched with a pair of vans. She then walked into the bathroom and brushed her hair, pulling all the knots out, leaving it nicely sitting past her shoulders. She stood there looking at herself for a moment, staring at her hair, wanting to change it, the colour, the style, everything. Maybe once I'm back home.

She leaves the bathroom and heads downstairs as Kai said, to hear Smash Mouths, 'I'm a Believer' blasting throughout the downstairs of the house. Aurora walked into the kitchen to see Kai moving along to the music while making what looks like french toast. "Then I saw her face, now I'm a believer. Not a trace of doubt in my mind. I'm in love. I'm a believer, I couldn't leave her if I tried" he sang slightly off key, but it made Aurora laugh, her laughter caught Kai's attention. "Hey, woah, this is a private moment" he said sarcastically.

Aurora rolled her eyes, "Between what? You and the bread?" she replies, "This song is great, you know" he states, going back to making breakfast, "Yeah, I know" she agrees with him, this statement caught Kai to raise his gaze up to her, "You know this song?" he said shocked, she nods slowly, "Yeah, why wouldn't I?" she said confused, "Uh, because this song came out way before you were born, before I was born" he states, Aurora shrugs her shoulders again, "It was in a movie I watched as a kid, and played at the 60's decade dance my school had" she tells him

"Right, well sing along then" he states as the chorus starts back up again, "Then I saw her face, now I'm a believer. Not a trace of doubt in my mind. I'm in love. I'm a believer, I couldn't leave her if I tried" Kai sang, using the spatula as a microphone, Aurora playfully rolled her eyes, hiding the smile on her face, before joining in as the outro starts, "Yes, I saw her face, now I'm a believer. Not a trace of doubt in my mind. Said, I'm a believer, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm a believer. Said, I'm a believer, yeah, I'm a believer. I said, I'm a believer, yeah, I'm a believer" they sang together as the song ended.

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