5. damn you, kai parker

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It had been only a day since Aurora was deserted in the prison world, and left alone with Kai to find her own way out. So far, that's not going so well. On the bright side, she's made progress on the ascendant, not much but she's gotten somewhere with it which is better than nothing. Kai and Aurora's relationship is still the same, she doesn't like him, he doesn't like her, but they've come at a stalemate and are working together to get the hell out of this place.

"I'm going into town to get some groceries, we're low. Just in case you wanted to know" Kai says entering Aurora's room, well Damon's room, but Aurora took residence in it when she discovered she'd be here longer than she thought. Kai took residence in Stefan's room down the hall, Aurora wished he took a room on the opposite side of the house. She gets worried at night that he'll come in and kill her in her sleep, so a lot of her nights are sleepless nights. "Hang on. I'm coming" she replies getting off the bed.

He looks at her confused, "Why" he replies blandly, "Well not with you. I need to go into town and get some stuff" she replies walking past him but he grabs her wrist spinning her around, stopping her in her tracks. "What stuff" he asks curiously, Aurora gazes down at his grip on her wrist, "Stuff that doesn't concern you, like clothes, shower stuff and a toothbrush" she answers pulling her wrist from his grip, "Why" he asks grinning, Aurora scoffs, "Maybe because I didn't expect to spend another day in 1994, I didn't exactly come packed" she replies annoyed.

"No need to get snappy, I was just curious" he says raising his hands up and walking away. Aurora exhales, "You're infuriating" she says to his back. He turns around and laughs, "Again with the insults, and the name calling. If I had emotions that would've hurt. But I don't, and I don't care what you think of me" he says smiling and continuing on walking. "Damn you Kai Parker" she mumbles once she knows he's far enough and won't hear. She walks down the stairs into the downstairs den and see's Kai swinging the car keys on his fingers, "Ready?" he asks, she shakes, "I'm not getting the car with you. I don't trust you" she says crossing her arms.

"Again with the whole I don't trust you act. Rora, I'm not gonna kill you, yet. You're the only other person here, and my way of getting out of this place. And the leverage I need when we do get out" he explains, Aurora raises her eyebrows, "Leverage?" she repeats shocked, he nods, "Yeah, you're my leverage, it's to make sure that when we get out of here that your little Scooby Squad don't try anything" he says slowly, a hint of evil in his eyes. "So ready to go" he adds cheerfully, Aurora shakes her head, "I'd rather walk" she says walking past him, "Okay suit yourself" he says trailing off and walking towards the door.

Aurora doesn't know how much she'll get, and carrying all those bags back will be a pain, a car would be handy, "Wait" she speaks out making him stop and spin around smirking, "Taking me up on my offer Rora?" he says making eye contact with her. "Yes" she finally says. "Well let's go" he says gesturing his hand out for her to go, "After you" she rolls her eyes and walks out the door getting into the car which was surprisingly unlocked. Good thing about prison world, don't have to worry about your car getting broken into.

"Seatbelts on Rory, because we're about to go over the speed limit. A great perk of being here, no rules, you can do whatever you want" he says starting the car and speeding out the Salvatore house.


Kai and Aurora arrive in the town, and Kai wildly parks the car at the grocery story. "I so regret getting in this car" Aurora mumbles hopping out the car, "No you don't. You loved it, we got here in two minutes because of my excellent driving" he gloats, she rolls her eyes, "Yeah excellent as in almost crashing twice, may I remind you, I can die in this world. You can't" Aurora says annoyed, "Rora, how many times do I gotta say that it isn't my intention to kill you. If it were I wouldn't kill you in a car crash, no, I'd do something way more epic. And, if you are dying, it may as well be epic and not something as bland as a car crash" he says smirking gazing over at Aurora on the other side of the car. "One of my best friends died in a car crash" she tells him, "Right, yeah, like I said, dying in a car crash? Not epic" he replies smirking.

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