6. two can play that game

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"You know this is kinda has a kink to it, don't you think" Kai chuckles gesturing at Aurora who is handcuffed to the couch still. "You're disgusting" she scoffs looking away from him, it had been a few hours since she woke up and Kai still had her cuffed down to the couch, making no effort to let her go anytime soon. "You call it disgusting, I call it kinky" he says smirking, Aurora scoffs again, "I don't even have- You know what" she starts before cutting herself off, "I'm not wasting the calories to finish that sentence" she adds leaning over to grab a random book that was left on the table. She figured reading this book would be more interesting than talking with Kai.

"Aw I'm honoured that you wasted those calories to say that sentence" he taunts, to get no response from Aurora, "Aw no witty comeback. I'm shocked Rora" he says laughing, she didn't acknowledge his comment making him focus on her. "Oh the silent treatment well two can play that game" he says grabbing a book and reading it as well. Aurora rolled her eyes, she wasn't giving him the silent treatment, but if he thinks that and will shut up then she isn't complaining. "Okay you win, come on Rory, talk to me. I'm bored" Kai says spreading across the chair.

"You've gone 18 years without talking to someone else, what's a few more" she says annoyed to him, he huffs, "Because I actually haven't had any company, but now I do I don't wanna waste it. I have 18 years of stuff to catch up on" he says to himself. Aurora rolls her eyes and ignores him. "Come on Rora, you can't ignore me forever. I'm literally your only company" Kai states, Aurora scoffs, "Maybe if you stop calling me Rora then I'll speak to you" she says without looking at him and reading her book. "Tell me why you don't like being called Rora. Enlighten me" he says leaning back, his hands behind his head ignoring her comment.

This time she does look at him, confused and concerned that he actually paid attention to the way she reacted to it, "Why do you care?" she says looking at him, "I don't. But I'm bored, and hearing your tragic story may cure my boredom" he states, Aurora scoffs and shakes her head, "I'm not telling you anything" she spat out, Kai rolls his eyes and groans, "Fine then you just have to put up with my consent chatting, but if you tell me then maybe I'll grow bored and leave you alone" he says staring her down.

"Fine you wanna know why I don't wanna be called Rora? It's the name my ex boyfriend gave me" she shouts turning and facing him.

"Are you sure you're okay?" she mumbles trailing her fingers down his chest, "Are we ever okay? Our lives our falling apart" he states bitterly. "Don't say that, we have each other right?" she says quietly, "You're one of the only people I have" he says avoiding her gaze. "What about Damon? Or do you guys hate each other again?" she asks curiously, "If I hate Damon then I have no one" he states, she grabs his head and makes him face her, "Hey. Don't say that. You have me" she says softly holding his face her hands.

"Do I though? Do I really have you?" he says moving his head out her hands and walking away, "Don't turn you're back on me" she shouts tears in her eyes, "Not after everything we've been through" he stops in his tracks, turning around and walking back towards. "I love you Rora, enough to let you go" he softly says kissing her forehead and leaving ago. "Don't leave me Enzo" she says softly tears in her eyes, this time he doesn't turn back around and leaves her in her dorm room crying.

She sits down and leans against her bed and lets the tears spill out. She thought they made a promise to never leave each other, to be there for one another. They were each others sunshine, the light they each needed. Now only darkness was left in them both. Never to be filled.

Aurora wipes the tear that left her eyed and looked away from Kai, "There now you know" she says quietly, gazing up at Kai who was smiling. "You find this funny?" Aurora says annoyed, "Yeah I find it funny. You crying over someone who didn't love or deserve you" he states, Aurora forces out a laugh, "You don't know him" she spits out, "And what do you know about love? Nothing. So you have no right to act like you know what happened in our relationship, because you know nothing" she says her breathing speeding up as she gets more upset.

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