7. am i broken

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Suicide mentioned in this chapter.
Viewer discretion is advised

Kai's words lingered in Aurora's head, how escaping this prison world is all he has makes Aurora think about her life before she got in the prison world. Her freshmen year when everything took a turn for the worse and everyone's lives changed for better or for worse.

"Elena are you okay?" Aurora says pulling her friend into a hug, "I'm fine Aurora, thanks" she says pulling out the hug. "Well we're all here for you" she adds smiling. Elena smiles and follows after Bonnie. Aurora walked over to Caroline and spoke to her, "This year is going to be a good one" her sister spoke, "Oh yeah?"  Aurora says raising her eyebrows, "Yep. This is me manifesting for an awesome junior year" she says smiling at her sister.

Caroline's gaze goes over Aurora's shoulder and she turns and sees a guy walk, an attractive guy. "Wow" Aurora says watching the guy, "Dibs" Caroline quickly says, Aurora laughs, "You can't dibs guys Caroline, plus it already looks like Elena has dibs" Aurora says watching the two talk and stare into each other's eyes. "Who says you can't dibs on guys, I just did" Caroline says laughing, Aurora laughs at her sisters word. "Come on you've got history and I have economics" she says linking her arm with Caroline.

"Ugh with Mr Tanner, can he drop dead" Caroline says groaning and throwing her head back, Aurora hits her arm, "Don't say that" she says, Caroline turns and faces her sister, "Just because you're on his good side and he doesn't pick on you. Probably has a crush on you or something" Caroline says jokingly, Aurora's jaw drops, "Ew that's disgusting. He's like 40" she laughs, "What can I say, you attract older men Rory" Caroline says, Aurora rolls her eyes and laughs as they continue their walk to class


Elena, Aurora, Alaric and now Damon hiked through the woods to look for Stefan. Elena was hellbent on searching for him, and she asked Aurora and Alaric to come, but got surprised when Damon showed up and almost dragged Elena's ass back home, he ended up helping them search though. He almost got bitten but Aurora siphoned the hybrid until he collapsed, something that Damon was thankful for. "Thanks but I had him" Damon says awkwardly, "Yeah and when he bites you we just ask Klaus for another cure like opps?" Aurora says sarcastically.

Damon rolls his eyes, "No need for the attitude"  he resorts, "Let's go before the moon rises or before we run into a hybrid and a ripper" Damon says grabbing Aurora's arm and vamp speeding away from the mountain and down to the car where Elena and Alaric were waiting. "Are you okay?" Elena says as soon as she sees Damon, "I'm great" Damon replies, Aurora rolls her eyes, "Thanks to me. You're welcome" she replies sitting in the front with Alaric. "I'm glad you're both okay" Alaric says driving off.


The Mikaelson ball, Aurora wore a red dress that hugged her body perfectly. She felt like a princess, everyone around her looked beautiful, Aurora looked at Caroline in aw as she chatted to Klaus. "You alright" Stefan says standing next to her, Aurora turns and faces him and nods, "Even though Klaus is the bad guy, Caroline looks happy. Something I wish I had" she mumbles sadly. "Forget that, come on let's dance" he says putting his hand out for her to take, she smiled and takes his hand and he leads her into the ballroom where a few others were dancing.

Aurora placed her left hand on his shoulder and held his hand with her right, he copied her and places his right hand on her waist, holding her close. "What's on your mind?" he asks as they sway to the beat, "Do you even care? Don't you have your humanity off or something?" she mumbles looking away from him. "I care enough to ask. So tell me" he says sending her a small smile. Aurora sighs, "It's just it seems everyone loves Caroline and I'm just the annoying younger sister. I feel in her shadow and she gets all the guys, and I get no one because no one looks my way when I'm around Caroline" Aurora rants trying to not cry.

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