Goodbye Björn, Hello Harald

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You and Björn have grown up together since little children playing in the mud and woods. Even have had an on and off again relationship for years since the moment puberty hit and he saw you as a woman, not a little girl... a woman with those plump lips to kiss, that perfect round ass to smack and grab, those gloriously large breasts that bounced wildly whenever you ran or he fucked you and they hypnotized him, to your eyes that could see deep into his being like a goddess and know every little dark untold secrets he kept.

It was no secret to Kattegat that you two have had been lovers as well as friends for so long, but one thing that was always made clear from your end is that when he had a wife, you would not go near him and have many a time, kicked him in the dick or broke his nose for trying to seduce you. You were always adamant in telling him that you would not be second choice to no man, as you were a free woman, a shieldmaden and deserved to be treated with dignity and respect.

"Y/n! Will you stop and just talk with me?" He followed behind you through the village as you headed for your home, trying to ignore the giant bear of a man. "Why so you can just lie and try and seduce me into your bed? I think you best return to your wife Björn!" You heard him growl loudly and knew he was getting really angered and would soon become a bear on a warpath, but you didn't care, you were no man's whore and you could take on that war raged bear too. In fact what had upset him so much was the news King Harald just announced in the Great Hall was that you two were to be married and Björn had thrown a rage infused tantrum.

He grabbed you by the arm and spun you around to be met with your fist right in his eye. "Do not touch me Ironside!" You yanked your arm from him and turned to walk away again when he grabbed you from behind, flung you over his shoulder and carried you off to your secret quiet place in the woods, all while kicking, screaming and cursing at him. When he finally set you down the first thing you did was punch him in the nose, which luckily for him didn't break and bleed this time, as he cursed at the pain.

"Damn it Y/n I just want to talk!" You growled a little, "And I do not! There is nothing to say!" He clenched his fists as he glared, "Yes there is! I don't want you to marry Harald, he's..." you scoffed and cut him off, "It doesn't matter what you want King Björn, I am a free woman and can do whatever I see fit. You have absolutely NO say in what I do with my life and especially who I decide to marry!" You were furious.

He had called for you to the main hall when he heard the news and then started in on you about how you couldn't marry Harald after the older man had left to prepare their boats to return home. You turned and left not wanting to deal with his temper tantrum and he quickly followed you, both yelling at each other through the whole of Kattegat, uncaring that the whole populace heard you two.

"Yes I do! I am your best friend and, and I am your king!" You rolled your eyes, "You may be my best friend, or at least you were, but my king is to be Harald once I leave, and you are just going to have to get used to it!" He growled again and stomped closer but still out of your fists reach. "You can't marry him because..." he abruptly stopped and you popped your hip out to the side and crossed your arms with an annoyed expression, "Because what Ironside?"

He had looked at the ground a moment then up into your eyes, the very eyes he had always enjoyed staring at or watching as they looked upon him in the throngs of passion or admiring how they always were scouting the area taking into account of your surroundings when in the heat of battle, and he sighed deeply, "Because I love you Y/n." You rolled your eyes and he reached out to grab your arms gently, "I'm serious Y/n! I have always been in love with you since we were kids!"

You push his hands off of you and stared right into his eyes with an emotion he had never seen from you before, one of hate. "Do not lie to me Björn Ironside." He shook his head and tried to reach for you again but you quickly stepped back, "I am serious! I have been in love with you since we were young, playing in these very woods, chasing..."

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