Boss 1 - Björn

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A/n: This is a modern AU

Everyone knows about the Lothbroks and how they made up one of the strongest mobs in all of the country. But then there was a falling out between the brothers and the war between them started, and many innocent people were caught in the wake of their struggle to dominate the other. Björn and Ubbe Lothbrok formed one side, while Ivar and Hvitserk formed the other.

I, am just an innocent that got mixed up in their war... though I'm beginning to wonder if I actually was innocent, since I worked for the leader of one side, Björn Ironside.

Many women envied me because of my position, I was his personal secretary which meant I was more like his slave, so there wasn't much to envy. I wasn't allowed to be involved in the more seedy side of things, I just took care of his penthouse suite, kept him notified of his appointments and of his other responsibilities that didnt involve the mob part. He owned many buildings (including the one he lived in) and businesses which he used to fund his criminal empire and vice versa. I was to follow him around like a lost puppy taking notes, doing whatever he wanted whenever, and I was to submit with no questions asked especially in front of others.

Does that mean I've had sex with him? No. I have given him blow jobs as he has requested them from me every once in a blue moon after I offered the first time, but he usually has a list of women he rotates through to get his pussy fix, I'm just the in between day appointments when he gets horny. I am actually thankful I haven't been required to screw him, not that he isn't godly handsome and that I haven't dreamed of him fucking me like his women as I listen to them through the walls, because I do, but no matter how I am required to jump when he says so, I have fallen in love with him and I'm afraid it would hurt my heart to have sex with him and then be tossed aside like some whore, then watch him flounce around with his other sluts and sleep with them too.

Now, I know what you are thinking, how can I love an asshole like that? Well to be honest, he isn't an asshole to me. Yes I live in a room in his penthouse and I know what he is, but he is actually very sweet and kind to me, even when he asks me to do things like clean the suite or take notes at a meeting or set up an appointment for him.

To be honest, I have never seen him mad or angry with me even when I walked in on him having sex and told him that his brother needed him urgently, or when I accidentally ruined his favorite, very very very expensive tie. I've seen him angry and yell at others, even punch someone before, but he has never been anything but sweet, friendly and dare I say, even slightly loving towards me. I know I am a fool to have these feelings and truthfully I wouldn't have them if I could, but I can't control the whims of the heart.

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Right now I am standing outside of a meeting he is having about something I don't know what. I can't hear anything as I just stand in my sexy work clothes and play a mobile game on my phone.

Ubbe was already here when Björn and I showed up so when he exited the room he made a b-line straight for me, placed a hand on my waist and kissed my cheeks as I did him with a smile. "Looking fucking sexy as always, love." Ubbe said with a chuckle and I giggled. I heard a growl from behind Ubbe and saw Björn standing there though he appeared he was looking at something else. I shrugged it off. Ubbe was a very charming man, very flirty and always very touchy but nothing too inappropriate.

It wasn't that he isn't attractive, he is and he has admitted that he would like to roll around in the sheets with me a time or two but my loyalty was to Björn and he respected that, though I think he makes little shows like this in front of his older half brother just to torment him by saying he might steal me away. I was damn good at my job and I knew when to keep my nose out and when I needed to step up, so I feel Björn would be lost without me most times and I think he knows it too so he can get a bit territorial over me.

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