Biker Boys 2 - Hvitserk

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A/N: Modern AU with a SoA feel

Biker Boys Part 2

I had just left Björn and joined my brothers who were now trying to reprimand me for being 'too handsy' with the higher up of the hosting MC. I of course just rolled my eyes and walked off. They called after me and I only flipped them the middle finger as I sashayed away. They knew better than to tell me how to handle men, no matter who they are.

I went into the main clubhouse to get away from the music a little bit and get myself some food in my stomach so when I drank more I wouldn't get shit faced stupid. I grabbed a huge plate full of bbq sauce smothered baby back ribs, some salads of all kinds, fries and a huge beer... my kind of meal. I had a super strong metabolism which allowed me to eat like this and look so good and I was happy about it. I did workout some but I wasn't religious with it.

I saw a pretty hot looking blonde guy, with his hair pulled back to the back of his head, sides fuzzy but shaved

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I saw a pretty hot looking blonde guy, with his hair pulled back to the back of his head, sides fuzzy but shaved. He had a small little caterpillar mustache above his upper lip and small scraggly scruff along his jawline and even though he looked young, he looked fun and playful with kind eyes.

He was laughing at something a friend of his said as he ate a heaping plate of food when I walked by to sit at the table but at the other end and I heard him stop laughing as soon as I walked by, he whistled to himself and suddenly I heard a thump to the floor. I turned around to look and I had seen him having fallen off his seat onto his ass. He smirked at me and I only gave him a little wink and turned around, making sure to wiggle my ass a little more.

As soon as I put my plate down, I made sure to bend a little more predominantly while I went to sit down in my seat, showing him my nice round, perfect heart shaped ass. As soon as I sat down I heard booted footsteps quickly come from his direction and suddenly he slid into the seat next to me, a beer in his hand and setting down his heaping plate but eyeing me up like desert. "Hey sweet cheeks, how's your night going?" I raised a brow and picked up a rib, "Quite entertainingly actually." He took a drink of his beer while I ate like a carnivore would. He laughed, "A woman after my own heart. Eating like weight don't matter. Though I must say your body is delicious looking especially that ass of yours, sweet cheeks."

I finished the rib and picked up another, "What can I say, I like food." I shrugged and he shifted in towards my ear, "Well maybe after you're done filling your mouth with that meat, I take you back to my place and fill it with mine?" He wiggled his brows and I giggled, "Does that line actually work?" He smiled and chuckled, "Sometimes, but I will admit watching you eat is making me quite hard."

His smile was actually quite cute and contagious

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His smile was actually quite cute and contagious. He had a very flirty but nearly harmless personality. He continued to eat his food while we talked and flirted, "So, did you come here with somebody? Cause that would be a real disappointment for me." I shook my head and placed my hand on his thigh, "Nope, I came here all by my lonesome. I do have 2 brothers here, but not my chaperones if that's what you're wondering."

I rubbed his thigh a little before pulling it away with a seductive look to him and went back to eating. He had bit his lip and groaned a little as he then took a big gulp of his beer. I could see out of the corner of my eye that he was already starting to get hard under his jeans and just like the first guy, he looked nicely endowed.

I giggled suddenly and turned towards him placing my hand back on his thigh innocently, though it was much closer to his bulge, "I don't even know your name, I'm Y/n." I smiled sweetly and he returned it with his own as he replied, "Hvitserk Lothbrok. And that's a pretty name for a very pretty woman." I blushed a little and leaned in to whisper close and seductively into his ear, while shifting my hand directly on his hard on and he took a quite breath in as he felt my weight against it, "And it will be an even prettier name coming from your lips when you grunt it out as you cum."

I took my tongue a barely flicked it along his ear lobe to just barely tease him as my hand continued to put pressure on his crotch, similar as I had done to his brother Björn. I pulled away and he quickly grabbed my neck and pulled me in so he could kiss me but I turned my head just enough to where his hand fell and I pulled back, tisking at him. "Naughty naughty Hvitserk. Don't you know you are supposed to ask for permission first to kiss a woman, especially one you just met?" He smirked, "Can't blame a guy for tryin'."

I giggled and gripped his cock through his pants causing him to groan and buck up a little, "Nope, I can't. Just like you can't blame a gal for wanting to grab such a yummy feeling cock." I licked my lips and he watched them like a hawk. "No I can not, but if you want I'll let you do a lot more with it than just grab it. I'm sure your mouth would love to have a taste."

"I know something else that would like a taste." His eyes perked up and most likely expected me to say my needy cunt but what I did was take some bbq sauce from my empty plate with one of my cute little finger before I smeared it on my collarbone, then stuck the finger in my mouth and sucked it clean, very suggestively.

He couldn't look away from what I had been doing which caused him to lean in and soon I felt his wet tongue on my skin licking the sauce up and making sure to linger more kisses to my exposed skin. As he did that, I had snuck my hand down his pants and grabbed hold of his enlarged cock and I smirked when I heard him groan against my sternum. "Fucking hell sweet cheeks, you want me to fuck you right here in front of everyone?" I giggled as his hand rested on his bulge, putting pressure on my hand that was around his dick, his otherhand had been around my body, hand down my shorts in the back so he could get a needy handful grab of my bare ass.

He kept kissing and licking his way across my chest, down between my breasts while I felt his fingers trail in between my ass cheeks hoping to get low enough he could reach my pussy which was already soaked from when I talked to Björn. My hand had slowly been stroking his hard cock and I so wanted it inside me, hell I wanted Björn's inside me too. Damn I was such a slut for Viking-like men. Buuuuut, I was a panther and so my time here with Hvitserk was done.

I pulled my hand out of his pants, pulled him away from me as he looked at me in complete lust crazed confusion as I then stood up, placed my ass in his lap and ground it into him. He growled loudly as his hands went to my hips. I did this for a few more grinds before I stood, turned around and lent down to his face, "Maybe next time cutie." And I kissed his cheek, leaving a lipstick mark there like I had Björn and walked off leaving him horny and hard as fuck.

He ran his hands over his face and exhaled harshly, "Damn, that woman is going to be mine." He then gripped his dick through his pants and looked around for the closest empty room he could go fap his pain away.

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