Biker Boys 1 - Björn

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A/N: Modern AU with a SoA feel

Biker Boys Part 1

Kattegat Vikings MC. That's what they call themselves. Men of Viking ancestry, riding loud two wheeled machines into 'battle' instead of sailing on long wooden boats. Either way, Old Norse or New Norse, this biker gang LOVES to raid and party, especially when their allies; the Vestfold Vikings MC, lead by their President Harald Fine Hair and VP Halfdan the Black with their crew are among the participants.

Now like any MC there are always plenty of available and easy pussy to be had from Sweet-butts and others just wanting to get a taste of the wild side, but not all bad biker boys enjoy the free pussy lifestyle and actually want an Old Lady... but that isn't what any of the KV main hierarchy want, well besides the President Ragnar who already has an Old Lady.

But unlike most MCs where women aren't really members but just there to tend to the men's needs, these two Viking clubs actually allow female members to partake in their, not so secretive and very illegal activities. For example President Ragnar Lothbrok's first Old Lady, Lagertha is still a well respected member, having her own side MC sect within the main MC called Shield-Maidens which just consists of biker women but still fly under the main MC colors and symbol.

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Just outside of the large town near an ocean that ran along the actual long stretch of beach, a huge party was in full swing throughout the whole town known as Kattegat.

This town is run by the Kattegat MC consisting of Ragnar and his many sons (so it was more of a dynasty in the making);
-President Ragnar Lothbrok
-Vice President Björn "Ironside" Lothbrok
-Sgt. at Arms Ubbe and Hvitserk Lothbrok
-Secretary Lagertha (Shield-Maidens leader)
-Enforcer Ivar "The Boneless" Lothbrok
-Treasurer Flóki "The Boatbuilder"
-Road Captain Sigurðr "Snake-in-the-eye" Lothbrok and
-Aslung the MC queen, married to Ragnar.

The party was in full blown wild swing with loud music everywhere, all forms of alcoholic drinks (even non alcoholic drinks) and every kind of awesome BBQ type foods imaginable, (more than enough that could feed a whole country) were served all over the town that feasted and partied like kings. Wild, grinding, freak or even downright too naughty of dancing took place all over the town but mostly in places closest to where the music was the loudest, which also was where most of the foods and drinks were served.

 Wild, grinding, freak or even downright too naughty of dancing took place all over the town but mostly in places closest to where the music was the loudest, which also was where most of the foods and drinks were served

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I was dressed to the nine. Dressed to slay and be ogled, admired, lusted after and begged to be taken to their home. It was a simple outfit really, but I loved it because I knew that ALL the guys would stare at my peeking round ass cheeks and perky side boob, aching to touch either and more, mixed with my innocent and sweet face that hides the bitch that I really was.

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