Boss 2 - Björn

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I awoke later in a nice room, it was dark and I felt groggy. "Sorry for the chloroform, I didn't want you making a loud fuss, Y/n." I looked around trying to find the voice when the lights turned on. I closed my eyes and eased them open to find myself face to face with none other than Ivar, Björn's youngest half brother.

"What do you want from me?" I asked slightly frightened. I wasn't afraid of the mob life, but I was afraid of Ivar, he was far more ruthless and evil than even some of the worst men in history. He leaned forward with a devilish smirk on his face, "You have information I want." I shook my head, "I don't know anyth..." "DON'T LIE TO ME!" He yelled making me jump, and cower away. He got up and hobbled over to me with his fancy, spike laden cane.

"You are his secretary, you can't possibly be suggesting that you don't know what goes on around you." I shook my head, "I don't. I know he is part of the mob life but when it comes to those type of dealings, he keeps me out of it, I just deal with the other business and personal aspects of his life. I really don't know anything!" Tears were pouring from my eyes when I suddenly felt pain in my face as I fell to the ground on my side.

"You keep lying to me and it will get even more painful!" He growled angrily as my face throbbed with blistering pain. Another man came up and stepped up, "That's enough Ivar, she clearly doesn't know anything." I heard another growl as the second man came over to help me but I cowered back, "We shall see..." Ivar sneered.

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Björn and Ubbe returned to the office, and both weren't exactly friendly towards each other as Ubbe has been razzing him the whole time about his nightly transgression with Y/n. When they got towards his office he didn't see Y/n there but her PDA was. "Where is Y/n?" Björn asked as he went around her desk noticing her things were missing. He picked up her desk phone and called her cell, but nothing. He used his phone, nothing. Even Ubbe called and nothing.

"It's not like her not to answer me." He said getting worried and looked through her desk for some evidence of where she might have gone. "Umm Björn... I think I might know where she's gone." He looks nervous as Björn steps up to him with anger and held back panic in his eyes, "Where?" Ubbe sighed, "She said she was going to the pharmacy while you were at the doctors."

Björn glared not asking why she was going there, maybe for some ibuprofen or something but they left and headed outside. They went to the nearest pharmacy and the clerk said that she was in nearly an hour ago but left. They walked back outside, tried to call her phone again and it began to ring nearby. They ran towards it and found it, along with her clutch purse and purchase. Björn picked up all her stuff and looked at all of it when he pulled out the package from the bag.

"What the fuck is this?" He looked it over and his eyes widened with shock. "She knew you didn't use a condom remember?" He turned to face his brother and his nose flared angrily, "So she was wanting to get rid of my possible child!?" He was furious and it was at the woman he was purposely trying to knock up.

Ubbe held up his hands in surrender, "Whoa don't take that shit out on me, I was trying to stop her." "You knew!?" He yelled causing some pigeons nearby to flutter away. "Only from this morning, I was trying to get her to stop and see that you actually like her but she wouldn't believe me because you are such an asshole and wouldn't tell her how you really felt about her!"

Björn walked away but then back as he paced some before punching a dumpster nearby, denting it greatly. He growled and ignored the throbbing pain in his hand and just glared at the pill box. His heart breaking at the thought that she didn't want to have a family with him, not that he had ever really asked or acted like he wanted to have a family with anyone let alone as if he liked her beyond being his secretary. But what is worse, is now she is missing and he doesn't know where she is.

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