Jealous Lover - Ubbe

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She was gorgeous. Absolutely perfect in every way to Ubbe. Y/n was her name and she was the daughter of Floki and Helga. She was a strong, smart, calm and fierce shield-maiden that trained with the rest of them, but when she wasn't training, she was helping her father with his boats. During those times she was always smiling, laughing, and happily listening to her father's stories, no matter how many times she heard it before.

When she was little she would play with Ivar, and they became such close friends that most people assumed they would get together and even though Ivar did have a liking towards her, she always claimed she liked someone else, but she would never hint towards it. In fact, she never acted any different or flirtatious for that matter with anyone, guys or girls, so it was always a mystery as to whom she might like.

Ubbe had assumed, like everyone else, that since Ivar longed for Y/n, she would eventually become his as they were much closer friends, so Ubbe would spend his time with the slave girl Margarethe, and the whole time he was with her, he was envisioning it was Y/n. Ubbe even almost said her name instead of Margarethe's more than a few times while they had sex.

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There was a raid coming up soon that Y/n was joining in on. She had been on a few others since she was older than Ivar having been born between Ubbe and Hvitserk's ages so she was spending more time training than building. In light of this Ubbe began to stay at the training grounds more often too, and would even spar with Y/n. And either she was getting better or she would cause him to lose focus (because of her goddess like beauty in his eyes), that she would get the upper hand and knock him down, much to her delight as they both would laugh. Either way, he began to pull away from Margarethe to the point he hadn't laid with her in nearly a month, having decided he was going to try and work himself up in confessing to the woman he has been in love with for so long.

"Come to dinner tonight at the main hall." Ubbe said as he sat there getting his arm wound cleaned that she had accidentally given him. She smiled as she looked into his blue eyes, "I'd love to but I promised father I would help him with the final touches on his latest boat." His face had gone from smiling to a frown, "Oh. Well why don't I come help you then?" He was desperate to spend more time with her.

She giggled and oh how that sound made his heart flutter faster. She took a seat next to him and smiled, "I won't say no to additional help, it is hard work to do by oneself." He beamed a smile back as he nodded, "Then let us go finish this boat." He stood but she didn't move and he looked at her with confusion, "Whats the matter Y/n?" She bit her lip in nervousness which he has never seen on her except when she was a little kid and would hide in her mother's skirts. Even though she was nervous, he couldn't help but be aroused at seeing her bite down on her plump lips, wishing it was his teeth doing it.

She looked up to him, meeting his eyes, "Ubbe, if I ask you something, will you be deadly honest with me?" He nodded, "Of course, I have always been honest with you." He said as he knelt down in front of her and placed his hands on hers that were in her lap. She swallowed the lump in her throat and began to ask her question he was impatient to hear. "Do you like me... uh more than a friend? Is that why you have been spending more time training, inviting me to dinner and now wanting to help me with the boat?"

Ubbe stared into her beautiful eyes and he could actually see something there, nerves and... hope? Did she like him to? His mouth twitched wanting to smile but stopped because he was nervous himself to reveal the truth. "Yes." Was all he said in an almost croaked whisper. Her eyes focused back and forth between his blue eyes a long moment, looking for something he wasn't sure what, before she smiled. "Ok." He raised a brow in confusion as he stood up from her, "Ok?" He asked and she nodded once. "Yeah, ok." He nodded once too, not sure why but he responded with a mimic of her actions and word, "Ok."

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