Black Magic - Ivar

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Her eyes were like the brightest waves of the ocean as they reflected the days light. Her hair, a pale blonde that it almost looked white. Most people of Kattegat avoided her, even his own brothers avoided her due to their suspicions of her. While her hut was on the outskirts of town, practically in the woods yet she neighbored right next to Floki and Helga, it too also didn't help. She kept to herself mostly, but when she interacted with people, she was cheerful, generous and quite lovely, yet for some reason everyone feared her, and according to Floki, "as they should".

Ivar never could understand what Floki meant by that, and whenever he asked more questions about the mysterious woman, he would just laugh and reply, "Ask the gods your questions to find the answers you seek." Much to Ivar's displeasure. He was always so curious of her, almost like he was being pulled towards her.

Whenever the other was around, even when in town, instinctively it was like their eyes would just find each other. He had heard the rumors that she was a witch, stronger than even his own mother Aslaug was, but really his mother was just an occasional seer with an alcoholic problem. But he still loved and adored his mother.

Even though people feared and avoided her, they always seem to go to her stall in town whenever she has goods to sell. Mostly of the fur variety as she mainly spent her time trapping and skinning animals, in fact she was the best, some saying she had blessings from the gods and the animals would just willingly come up to her to be killed and skinned. But no one ever saw it so it remained a rumor.

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Not only was she a curiosity in Ivar's eyes because of the rumors adding an air of mystery around her, but she was amazingly beautiful and found himself staring at her longingly for long periods of time whenever he was with Floki by her home. As time went on, their glances always seemed to find their way to each other until one night, the feast before they sailed out on a raid in just a few days time, she came walking in with a cloak made of raven feathers.

Ravens were sacred among the Vikings, so wearing a cloak of their feathers can be seen as a great disrespect to them, specifically Odin, like a taboo, and in doing so also made others weary and uncomfortable around the wearer, afraid they too migh...

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Ravens were sacred among the Vikings, so wearing a cloak of their feathers can be seen as a great disrespect to them, specifically Odin, like a taboo, and in doing so also made others weary and uncomfortable around the wearer, afraid they too might get cursed out of the disrespect. The only way one could get away with such a taboo was unless the person is blessed by the gods and allowed to wear the All-Father's sacred bird's feathers... but even then it made others uncomfortable to be near.

As soon as she stepped into the hall and took off her hood, the whole area stopped all noise, as everyone turned towards her. She walked with her head held high right towards Aslaug. She bowed low in respect, then before Aslaug could question her appearance in the hall, she turned and walked right up to Ivar.

Their eyes locked onto each other's and her clear blue ones seemed more clouded and distant as if in a trance, "The gods wish for your protection during the upcoming raid as you have a much more important path ahead of you. If you do not wear it, they will not be pleased and you will be killed. Choose wisely Prince Ivar the Boneless Ragnarsson."

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