Happy to Divorce - Sigurðr to Hálfdanr

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Sigurðr and I were married when my 'brothers', Harald Finehair and Halfdan the Black, wished to set up an alliance with Ragnar.

Well they weren't my real brothers, my parents were killed and their parents raised me with them so they became like much older brothers to me (they were nearly 20 years older after all), though I will admit I always had an attraction to Halfdan but he never acted as anything more than if I was a baby sister to him. He was also not too happy about my forced marriage, quite upset really but eventually conceded to his brother.

We made sure Ragnar and his sons knew there was no relation but the alliance would still be as strong and valid.

They all didn't seem to want to marry me, well except for Björn who was already married but eyed me up like a meal, even licking his lips like a wolf. Maybe it was my strong and warrior like presence that they disliked and they want a frilly giggly girl, maybe it's because I'm not pretty enough for them... well whatever it was they all put up an argument in not wanting to marry me.

I actually got so pissed that I yelled at them all that I was going to sail home and they all could shove their dicks up their own asses, but before I got out the hall door, Sigurðr was volunteered to be my husband, who was actually a few years younger than me but not drastically and he even put up a stink about it. Either way, we both didn't want to be married to each other.

The wedding happened a couple days later and to say the wedding night was eventful was overly exaggerating the truth. We didn't even sleep in the same bed... in fact he didn't arrive to the room until well into the night and reeking of sex, and it clearly was not with me.

That is how our marriage was. He would stick his dick in anything with a pussy, except me, not that I was complaining because I didn't want his girly-man, who-knows-what-curse-is-riddled-all-over-that-nasty-dick, inside of me... but it still hurt my heart to be unwanted.

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Thank the gods that I went on the raid to France because had I to stay back in that pathetic excuse of a Viking capital city I would have gone mad! I missed Vestfold, my home, dearly.

During the raid I found myself sticking by Halfdan and Harald as I have always done, and praying like crazy that the gods would release me from my marriage and kill off Sigurðr. Cruel I know but what he had been doing to me wasn't cruel as well?

We had victory over a small town and I saw my so called husband taking it upon himself to claim some thralls and that night in camp, I saw him taking some random healer girl into OUR bedroom in the town's central hall. With a heavy annoyed sigh I walked towards my best friend, and sort of brother as well as my secret crush's room on the other side of the hall.

"Halfdan you here?" I called from the outside as I knocked then heard his gruff, "Come on in Y/n." I walked in and he was laying mostly naked on a pile of furs and pillows while eating and sorting through his goods in front of the fireplace. I took off my weapons and sat down next to him, "Can I sleep here tonight? My so called husband, has found himself another bed mate... again." Halfdan scoffed loudly, "Has he ever even lain with you?" I looked away from him and blushed a little, "No, we do not even converse let alone sleep in the same bed. Most times he is never home. I wish..."

I stopped and sighed while fiddling with a piece of his treasures absentmindedly. "What do you wish, little jaktfalk?" That was his special nickname for me ever since I was little and I had spotted the falcon perched on my window of my room. Also could be why I actually use one in battle, which was now sitting on top of some ornament in the hall outside Halfdan's room. But that nickname always filled my heart with happiness when he said it because he didn't call anyone else any special names, he usually doesn't talk much to anyone but me and his brother.

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