His Sunshine ☀️ - Ivar

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Modern AU

She was getting married. Y/n, his long time crush and best friend just announced to him, that she was engaged to the prick she had been dating for only a month. His face doesn't show any form of excitement. "Well aren't you happy for me Ivar?" He just smiles in hidden disgust, "Absolutely!.................. (not)" She wrapped her arms around his neck as he sat at his desk at work and smiled happily. She started talking about Sirg this, Sirg that and how he picked out a very beautiful, expensive ring, well Ivar knows full well that the ring is a fake, because he saw Hvitserk give one to one of his latest women just to toy with her, that and he knew this Sirg asshole, had no money.

He was some sort of musician rockstar wannabe that lounged around all day and slept on other people's couches until somehow he swooned Y/n, the love of Ivar's life, into dating him and now marriage. Ivar knew this Sirg was using her for her daddy's money.

Just like Ivar, Y/n's family were of a prominent and wealthy sort, though Ivar owned his own tech company and had huge contracts with all sorts of businesses and even the government, he however did start out with money to build his empire and paid it back tenfold. He even brought Y/n on so she had some life experience... and to keep her close.

She was a good worker, smart and well educated to the point that she was damn near a shark when it came to board meetings or contract investments and such, but what he loved about her was her innocence. She wasn't naïve or sheltered, or even a spoiled brat, she was well grounded and even had a kinky side (so he found out though never experienced), but she always wanted to view the world as a place that could be better if we all just worked harder together, that people wouldn't be so evil if they were given a chance to change.

Now, Ivar knew that those were just how she wanted to see life, though he knew she knew the harsh reality of it, she still tried. She was always the optimist, his sunshine to brighten his day. Y/n also knew of Ivar's darker side, his power hungry side, and yet she didn't care, she felt it was her personal task to make sure he stayed sane. And Ivar loved her even more for it. His sunshine.

Now, he just has to work on not losing his sunshine to some lame excuse of a man. She should be with a man with goals, power, determination... him!

As soon as she left his office with a happy bounce in her step, he went right to work in finding out all the information he can about this putrid cyst in his beautiful Y/n's life. It didn't take him long to find out so much dirt on this bastard and now it was just a matter of delivering the information with the best chance of success.

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Within about two weeks he watched as his beauty, his sunshine go through such emotional stages of how her father was upset about some stuff he found out about her fiancé (thanks to Ivar), to happy again when that silver tongued snake convinced her of his side of things and explained everything that she would have found deplorable but forgave him. He hated seeing his sunshine sad or hurt, but oh how Ivar hated that slimy snake and if he could, he would rip out the leech's tongue and shove it up his own ass so he could taste all his own bullshit.

Ivar was beyond pissed. All his attempts had failed... all but one. This was his last resort, and it was one he didn't NOT want to do but he had to if he wanted to protect his love. He played happy and friendly as he got along and became 'friends' with the douchebag, that way he could find his way into the bachelor's party and he only had a week to do it, but for Y/n, he would do anything for, even become good friends to the asshat that is trying to steal his love from him.

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The day before the wedding was the big night to make sure his plan worked, he had to do this for Y/n. She went out with her bridal party and had their night out while Ivar joined the groom and his, just as equally douchy asshole friends, who stayed at Y/n's place, trashing it, but bringing in about 4 strippers. Oh this would be easier than he expected.

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