Lost and Found - Björn

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She was Floki and Helga's daughter, Y/n. Beautiful beyond measures and just as deadly with a sword. Born a year after Björn was and grew up with him and Gyda for as long as she was alive, until something happened and it broke Lagertha and Ragnar apart, and the mother and son left for a different area to call home, leaving the young girl heartbroken to have lost her first crush.

Now as six years have passed, Ragnar had begun a marriage with Aslaug and had many sons, and as for Y/n, her life consisted of just helping her father build boats, tend the home with her mother, and train with the little Ragnarssons.

Jarl Borg had taken over Kattegat and suddenly there was some reinforcements that had come from Hedeby and Ragnar openly welcomed them. A pregnant Aslaug wasn't too thrilled with seeing Ragnar's former wife, but bit her tongue, as was proper etiquette.

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Ragnar, Aslaug, Lagertha, Björn as well as Floki and Helga, all were in the main hall when Y/n came walking in with a horde of 2 little boys around her, causing them all a fit of giggles and the adults to smile. They each had their own little training swords and shields in their hands as they 'battled' one another, while Y/n came in with a bundle of different sort of items that her mother had asked for her to buy in the market on her way back from watching the boys train.

The two rambunctious boys continued to play as they neared their father until his chorus of happy laughter caught their attention in which they ran to him to begin speaking in hurried words of their training and hunting trips and other such things. Y/n had walked over towards her mother and handed the bundle to her before giving a kiss on her father, Floki's bare head.

Y/n hadn't paid much attention to their guests as having guests wasn't as uncommon as one would suspect, especially with the latest issues that have befallen Kattegat. She did however recognize Lagertha as the older but still beautiful and strong woman that sat next to her mother in which Y/n greeted and gave a loving hug and kiss on the cheek to. Y/n didn't acknowledge the young bulk of a man as she just assumed he was one of her warriors and paid him no mind, even though he had been standing and staring at her when she came near the table with the boys.

Y/n however did think the young man, (who looked about her age, but was much taller and stronger looking than any man she had ever seen, including Ragnar) to be quite handsome and wondered if he had a woman back home and if she might get a chance to have a moment with him before he returns to Hedeby, all before she excused herself from the gathering.

She took a few steps towards Aslaug and bowed slightly and then turned towards Ragnar to do the same while he had nothing but a mischievous smirk upon his lips as he saw his eldest son standing there, ogling at the beautiful young woman when Lagertha spoke up and stopped Y/n from going beyond her ex husband's side, "My dear Y/n, it is such a pleasure to have seen you again, and so grown up..." she turned towards Floki and chuckled, "...how have you managed to keep all the men of Kattegat from trying to take her?"

Y/n was about to speak up when Floki, her father did instead, "Not I or her mother's doing but the god's. They have a path for her and refuse to let her stray from its course." He smirked knowing that it would annoy his daughter some. Y/n placed her hands on her hips and pouted, "I'll have you know that it is my battle skills and the fact that I have a crazy ol' coot of a boat builder for a father that keeps them away!"

Floki only chuckled as he nodded and drank from his cup of mead in agreement at her statement. At that Lagertha spoke up again, "Well yes indeed you must be a mighty fine warrior to stave off the hungry wolves that are no doubt entranced by you. I'm surprised Freyja hasn't struck you down with a curse for rivaling her beauty. You are absolutely exquisite Y/n... wouldn't you agree Björn?" Lagertha's eyes shifted playfully towards her son who had yet to sit down and was still staring at the young woman, even though his neck started to turn a little rosy.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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