Teacher/Parent - Björn

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My name is Ms

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My name is Ms. Y/n L/n, teacher at Kattegat's Oceanside Elementry School where I teach First Grade. It is a wonderful experience to see children grow and learn with excitement in their hearts.

There were always some children that weren't as interactive, very quiet, and maybe not just be shy but distant. Those kids are the ones that broke my heart. They usually come from broken families or of some other great distress, and even though I can't, I always wish I could give them all my love. This year I have one such child. Siggy.

She was adorable. Almost pure white hair, a bubbly smile when she did, wide eyes, lovely manners, and a cute voice that just matched her personality when it would come out, otherwise she was just... silent.

I found out later that other than her father, I'm the only other person she would talk to and that warms my heart. I have been trying to get a parent/teacher conference with her father, Mr. Björn Ragnarsson, or even her mother, but I haven't had much luck and it's the middle of the school year.

A few times the person picking up Siggy was a few minutes late, I didn't mind waiting, and it was always the same lady whom I thought was her mother but was her grandmother. But for some reason today, I couldn't get ahold of anyone and school has been over for 3 hours now. I'd take the poor girl home myself but I don't have a child seat for her to travel in.

Thank goodness I had some snacks left over from earlier today that she could munch on while we waited and played learning games. She was ever happy and talkative but inside I was worried for this poor thing in if she felt abandoned.

Finally my door burst open revealing a man with pale blonde hair, only on the top that was pulled back in braids down the back of his neck, a large body frame and piercing blue eyes and a very handsome face. "Can I help you?" I asked and he only smiled at me when the little girl ran towards him happily, "Daddy!!!!!" He caught her and hugged her tightly before telling her to go gather her things.

By now I had walked up and stood there with a hand on my hip, "Mr. Ragnarsson I presume?" He watched his daughter, "Hmm? Oh yeah, sorry about being hella late. Work ran extra long and my mother was at the hospital." I brought a hand up to my mouth in a gasp, "Oh no! Is Lagertha ok?" At that he finally looked at me and I saw a handsome smile appear on his thin lips, "Uh... yea no she's fine, she just had a couple of surgeries to preform."

I exhaled my held breath, "Oh duh, I forgot she was a surgeon." I giggled and he smiled wider. "Hey um Mrs. L/n." I shook my head, "Ms. I'm not married, single as the number 1." I giggled at my stupid joke and he chuckled as well. "Yeah sorry. Ms. L/n, we are about to get dinner, would you like to join us?" My smile faltered and he quickly added more as he saw it fall, "Not like a date or anything but just as a thank you for watching my little Siggy here for so long."

I smiled and shook my head, "As lovely as that sounds Mr. Ragnarsson..." "Call me Björn." He smiled as he interrupted me and I blushed, "As lovely as that sounds, Björn, I can't. School staff are under strict rules of how to act and conduct with parents of our students." He frowned now as I was, "Well damn that sucks." I nodded, "Yeah it is..." I said almost in a sad dreamily like way when I realized what I did then shook it off. "Anyway, since I have you here, I have been trying to get a conference with you and your wife, significant other or Siggy's mother for several months to talk about Siggy. And as much as I would like to have one now, it is way past time I go home and prepare my dinner so if at all possible, I would really like to set up a time that's convenient for you?"

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