Lothbrok Sister - Harald pt.2

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As they continued to march their way across England, doing what they do best, Y/n somehow found herself near the brothers during a few of the fights. She tried to avoid looking or even helping them, yet when an enemy soldier was coming at her from behind and she was busy with an enemy in front of her, as soon as she disposed of the one in front, the one from behind her fell to the ground. When she spun around and looked, it was Harald. He smiled at her and she growled, "I don't need your help." Which only made him chuckle and wink before heading off to fight some more.

After that, she found Harald was always trying to be around her. At camp, trying to sit next to her as they all ate, trying to converse with her when she was by herself sharpening her blades or fixing her armor. Each time she would either ignore him until he went away or was called away, or she just walked away from him.

She had no idea why the man all of a sudden took an interest in befriending her, she had made it clear she wanted nothing to do with him, especially not be some replacement for his "one and only love".

Y/n also found that he was staying closer to her in battles, even helping to kill men for her, much to her very angry displeasure. He even was giving her or her brothers treasures he found in the raids instead of keeping them. She never accepted them however, but he kept trying.

The Great Heathen Army moved towards Repton and with Ivar's suggesting using the environment to their advantage, Athelwulf was at a loss as to what to do when the Vikings made his army run back and forth like idiots. Eventually tired and frustrated, Aethelwulf refuses himself to be made the Vikings's dupe once again and he orders his men to attack the beached Norse fleet. But unknown to him, this is what Ivar had predicted him to do.

As the English march towards the Viking base, they move through a tight valley when suddenly, Viking archers ambush them from both sides which kill many of the English soldiers. Then, a massive force of Vikings led by Bjorn, Harald and Y/n appear in front of the English and form a shieldwall, blocking their path.

Realizing that he has walked right into the trap, Aethelwulf is pinned and concludes that he has no other choice but to charge the shieldwall and try to break through it, causing the two forces to collide into each other. Aethelwulf is pushed off his horse and realized that his army was already severly depleted due to the archer ambushes as well as physically exausted from chasing the Vikings while in heavy armor, and him practically knocked unconscious, so as he recovers, he sees the butchery of his men taking place.

A horn then signals the arrival of the warriors under Ivar's command, trapping Aethelwulf's army in a double envelopment and sensing the fate of the battle was all but decided, Aethelwulf orders his remaining men to flee for their lives, which they do. He along with a few stragglers managed to escape while those left behind being massacred by the massive viking army.

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As they cheered and celebrated their victory, Harald began to notice that Y/n wasn't joining in on the victory. Her brothers were celebrating as well except for Björn who was upset that Aethelwulf escaped, but it was Ivar who spoke up about the absence of their sister. "Where is Y/n!?" Everyone within earshot turned towards Ivar then began to scramble through the fallen looking for their sister.

She wasn't there. Harald began to panic when his brother Halfdan came up to him looking confused, "What is the matter brother?" Harald looked at him and furrowed his brows, "Y/n is missing." Halfdan tilted his head, "So?" Harald had turned and looked around for her some more but when his brother said that he turned back around and growled while grabbing his armor, "So? So she is important!" Halfdan furrowed his brows, "Have you fallen for the Lothbrok sister who hates you?" A small little smirk formed on his lips at seeing his brother's hesitation to answer as he knew he was correct.

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