Surprise - Ubbe

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Y/n, she was a strong and mighty shield-maiden, one of, if not the best in the army

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Y/n, she was a strong and mighty shield-maiden, one of, if not the best in the army. But more importantly she was Ubbe's woman, a fact he took great pride in. Not only was she a great warrior on the battlefield, but she was an amazing woman back home, and Ubbe had planned on marrying her and having a family with her as soon as possible... when she decided to stop fighting it, that is.

Now, Ubbe and Y/n knew each other, having families that had grown up fairly close and of course training together, but it took him a while to get Y/n to even give him a chance to court her, her mind more set on battles than being some kept woman or just a hole for one of the very promiscuous princes of Kattegat to fill. But somehow Ubbe won her over, and he hasn't looked back. He always had a crush on Y/n, loving how ferociously graceful she was as she fought and was so focused like she was dancing, to how free she was when she did dance and laughed, to her nurturing and tender side of taking care of her younger siblings as if they were her own children, to even helping to take care of his and his brothers wounds back at camp.

She was everything Ubbe wanted in a wife, yet he couldn't convince her quite yet as she was afraid she would never get to raid again. She loved being by his side, fighting along side him, watching each other's backs and of course scaring the shit out of their enemies with how crazy and feisty they were. Not to mention the sex between them was always amazing and she could handle and give out just as much of any particular mood he found himself in, whether it was slow and sensual, to rough and wild, to just normal and relaxing to full on dominating.

She was absolutely the other part to him, but she wasn't ready to settle down yet while he was more than ready to, but he would wait for her to be, he wanted no one else but her.

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They were back at camp, Y/n had already took care of his wounds as well as Ivar's and Hvitserk's wounds before retreating back to the tent she shared with Ubbe. He had remained with his brothers, celebrating another victory as they were feasting, drinking, sorting through things they pillaged and laughing between them and the Vestfold brothers. Celebrations were all over camp and sleep was not to come easy under all the noise.

"Ubbe, where is Y/n?" Björn questioned as he walked up to the gathering and sat down after patting Ubbe on the shoulder. "Ah, she wanted to get cleaned up some before eating. She got really bloody earlier." He smirked and it made the others chuckle at how wildly berserker their future sister Y/n could be during battles.

As the early evening wore on and became night, the brothers having been feasting and drinking hadn't noticed that Y/n still had yet to show up. It wasn't that they didn't care, but it's how men are. Get a group of them together with good drink and food and they will forget their own names after an hour. But it had been several hours now.

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There was still celebrating all throughout camp but it had quieted down some, when suddenly there was a cry out amongst the tents. It caught all the Ragnarsson's and Vestfold brothers attention as it wasn't the sound of pleasure or even of an attack, it was the sound of a child, a newborn crying specifically. There wasn't anyone among the raiding party that had been pregnant this time around, yet it was unmistakably the sound of an infant.

Everyone got up and ran towards the sound of the crying, weapons at the ready just in case when they realized it was coming from Ubbe and Y/n's tent. Ubbe quickly rushed in with his brothers following to see Y/n half naked, bloody and kneeing to the ground with a crying infant in her arms. Her face was contorted in fear, pain and ultimately confusion as she stared at the child while crying and shivering from the whole event. "Hh-he was inside me... I-I didn't know. Ubbe... I didn't... what.."

She was a blubbering mess as Ubbe stood there taking in the scene of his beautiful woman having just given birth to their child that neither of them knew about, she didn't even look pregnant at all. He knew it was hers as the umbilical cord was still attached from her to the child, and he knew it was his as it had a head of blonde hair and blue eyes just like his.

He was in such a state of shock he hadn't even noticed when one of his brothers ushered everyone out of the tent to give Y/n a little privacy as she was still half naked, and called for several healers to the tent.

Ubbe took a few careful steps closer, "Fuck! We should have been more attentive... how come we didn't notice you were?... you two could have been... fuck!" He was now kneeling next to her as a shaky hand reached out and touched his crying, bloody son's head.

The healers showed up to the tent just then and came in and began to get mother and child situated and taken care of, having basically pushed Ubbe out of the tent. Once he came back out, he was staring at his hand that had the blood on it from when he touched his son, just trying to settle the overwhelming situation into his head. His brothers came up to him and surrounded him. "Why didn't you keep her home?" Björn asked angrily. "Did you even know?" Hvitserk asked right after and all Ubbe could do was shake his head slowly and stare at his hand.

"She didn't appear to be pregnant when we got here, and the way she spoke, I don't even think Y/n knew she was." Ivar stated as the sounds of the crying child had died down and all that was heard was mumbles and movement from inside the tent.

"What are you going to do?" Sigurðr asked and to be honest, Ubbe wasn't even really listening. "I uh... I don't know yet... I... uh..." he suddenly looked up from his hand to his brothers, a smile forming on his lips, "A son... I have a son." His brothers smiled back at him showing that they were indeed happy for their brother and hopefully sister in law.

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The healers came out, handed a rag to Ubbe to clean his hand as they told him that he could go back in and without a second glance or even an 'excuse me' to his brothers, Ubbe dipped back into the tent while wiping his hands to see his beautiful Y/n, holding their son to her breast as he suckled and she laid among their makeshift bed. Her head turned towards him and her smile dropped some, "I'm sorry Ubbe, I didn't..."

She started but he hushed her as he moved closer, kneeling down beside her. He placed a hand around the back of her neck as he leaned forward placing his forehead to hers, "Shh love, it is ok. The gods saw fit to hide it from us so that he would be born on the battlefield like a true warrior... like his mother." He gently kissed her lips, tears of joy welling up in his eyes. They both turned to look at the suckling child and he smiled, touched the back of the child's head as he caressed the now cleaned blonde hair.

"He looks just like you." Y/n said as she held him. Ubbe's tears fell, "He does, but he definitely has your voice strength." That made both of them chuckle as he kissed her once again. "So what are we going to do?" Y/n asked looking at him with a concerned face.

Ubbe smiled and kissed her forehead, "Well I know that I'm going to really push for the one thing that I've been trying to get you to agree to since I started to pursue you. Be my wife Y/n. Marry me and let's be a family." She smirked, "What you think just cause I gave you a child that I'd marry you, the pain in my ass?" His smile faded and she giggled, "Of course I will, because your mine." She placed a kiss to his lips that he groaned into it at her teasing and deepens it some.

When they broke the kiss he was smiling like a fool, "About time you finally accepted my marriage proposal." She rolled her eyes but smiled, "I always planned to Ubbe, I just wanted to raid by your side a bit more is all." He finally crawled into the bed next to them and wrapped his arms around the both of them. "Well I think this means both our raiding days are over for now love." He caressed his son's fuzzy head. "Yeah I guess so... also means no more late drunken nights or chasing skirts." Ubbe looked shocked towards her, eyes wide in fear. "What? Now wait... maybe no more late drunken nights for you but I can still drink, right? And I haven't chased anyone's skirts but yours since you agreed to be mine... wait..." he got a little nervous, "I'll still be able to chase your skirt, yeah?" Y/n nodded, "Of course my love. Now let me rest, I'm tired from battling and then pushing this little guy out." He chuckled and snuggled closer, their son already now sleeping and Y/n slowly starting to drift off.

"I love you Ubbe." She said quietly and he smiled while watching his son and soon to be wife getting to sleep. "I love you Y/n... and you as well my battle born son."

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