0.22 Monster, Dodie

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After the long weekend of getting over a hangover and attempting to catch up on the work I had missed while taking part in the show, it was finally Monday morning and time to get ready for school. I decided to wear regular baggy jeans and a plain white tank top as I wasn't too bothered about dressing nicely anymore. I made my way down the stairs, nodding silently at Trevor before meeting Carrie in her car.

"Hey River." She said, while applying lip gloss. I smiled at her before tossing my bag onto the back seat. "Are you nervous about today?" Carrie started the car before pulling out of the drive and started the run to school.

"Why would I be nervous?" I chuckled humorously. I knew exactly what she was talking about. The bruise around my eye seemed a much harsher purple in the daylight and it hadn't quite lost the swelling yet. She looked at me disapprovingly before shaking her head.

"Well let's start with the fact that none of your so called 'friends' have called to check up on you. Or how two boys got into a fight over you in front of half our year. Or how about the entire thing that happened with Flynn? Need I go on?" She listed off each of the problems, each making me feel more anxious to go to school.

"No." I grumbled under my breath. She gently too  k my hand and squeezed it reassuringly. 

"I don't want you to think you will be facing it on your own because you will always have me and Kayla and all our other friends. I just don't want you to be living in denial." And with that, we drove the rest of the way in silence.


When we got out of the car, once Carrie had parked in the parking lot, people were already stopping their conversations to stare at us.

"Hmm Carrie, don't you think its really sad when people take time out of their day just to gossip about other people." I said loudly to get peoples attention. "In my opinion it just means that their own lives are boring." Which caused people to scramble away and for Carrie to laugh loudly.

"Well I'm glad to see that your spirits are still high after everything that has happened." A familiar voice said from behind me before an arm was tossed across my shoulders. I looked up to see Bash smirking down at me, and I instantly felt better. 

"Why would my spirits be low? I am completely fine and ready to get this day over." I looked 

around and saw the rest of our friends coming over, including Brodie. Since I hadn't actually spoken to him since the party, and kissing Bash, I decided that today wasn't the best time to have this conversation. "Well, I have English now. Got to go!" And I quickly walked towards the entrance of the building. 

"But classes don't start for another 15 minutes River." I heard someone yell behind me, but I didn't break my stride until I was stood outside my English room. Despite being in a crowded hallway, all of a sudden hair was stood up on the back of my neck and I got an uneasy feeling in my stomach that someone was watching me. Which is why I jumped out my skin when someone said my name. I whirled around only to find a blonde unfamiliar boy to be staring at me.

"Jesus what is wrong with you?" I gasped and clutched my chest. He was stood still, just smiling at me which didn't ease the strange vibe from him. "Sorry but do I know you?" He took a step towards me and grabbed my hand.

"I suppose I should introduce myself as Nick? Though I'm not sure why anyone would want to name their child such a stupid name." He leant down and kissed me hand causing an electric jolt like shock to flash in my wrist. I ripped my hand away and shook it vigorously in attempts to stop the throbbing pain.

"What did you do?" I hissed under my breath. He smirked at me once again, his eyes flashing brightly which reminded me of a time that I did not want to think about. As quickly as it came, Nick once again looked like a regular teenage boy and stepped backwards away from me, looking around. 

"Well it was nice to meet you again River. Until next time." He wiggled his fingers at me before disappearing into the group of teens who were oblivious to what had just happened. I stood frozen in my spot despite the fact I could hear the bell ringing. All I could do was hold my wrist and think about the exchange which had just happened. I watched as the hallway slowly got more and more empty but I still couldn't bring myself to move even though I knew I was going to be late. However, my whirling thoughts were brought to a stop when I heard someone saying my name. 

"River? Are you okay." I looked up to see who was taking to me and to my dismay it was Julie.

"I'm fine." I muttered under my breath before turning to go into the classroom. She grabbed my wrist to stop me which caused me to wince in pain and pull away from me. "Do not touch me." I all but growled at her. She held her hands up in mock surrender. 

"I'm sorry. But I had to make sure you were okay. You seemed...gone? Is that the right word? I don't know. And you're sweating." I touched my forehead to feel it slick with perspiration. I looked around to find that we were alone in the corridor. "If you're looking for Flynn, she's not here today."

"Oh. Do you think you could tell Urbain that I had to go to the restroom?" I guess she took pity on my pleading eyes as she agreed which allowed me to go clean myself up before finally joining my English class, 20 minutes late.

"Ahh Miss Beckett. So nice of you to finally join us. Next time, please use the bathroom at other times rather than during my lesson." Mr Urbain said, causing laughter to echo around my room. A ghost of a smile lit up my face as I knew exactly what to say to shut him up.

"Well Sir I am extremely sorry. How about I learn to hold in period blood so I can go to the toilet at a different time? No promises that I won't bleed on your chairs though." I shrugged my shoulders and made my way to the chair next to Julie where I had sat in the previous lessons. As I walked down the aisle I could hear everyone I walked past holding back their laughter. I sat down in my chair and pulled out my books, feeling the overwhelming feeling that I got every time I had to read or write something. Julie leant over and whispered to me as the teacher finally restarted the lesson.

"That was amazing, how did you think about that." I held up my hand to her and shook my head.

"Oh no. Just because you did me a favour doesn't mean that we're friends now. It just means I owe you. That's it." 


I uploaded again!! I really hope you like this chapter and if you have any ideas that you would like to see, leave a comment or DM! I try to respond to everyone.

Also I would like to thank everyone who has been voting on my story these past few days, I really appreciate it. 

Thanks for reading,

icantenglish xxx

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