Chapter 3 // Truly Alone

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Walking down the student-filled hall felt lonelier than usual.

Most of the time I was okay with walking alone because I was always stuck in my own thoughts and am fairly introverted. But as time went on, it began eating at me more and more.

It wasn't that I wasn't liked by the people around me, either. I just always found myself not fitting in, so naturally people forgot about me. They stopped inviting me, talking to me - being around me in general, really. But it was all okay because I had my best friend...I did at least.

I looked around the crowded halls, taking in the laughter and mingling of the other students. That's when my gaze fixed on one girl in particular who was already looking at me - or rather glaring;

Madison Haze, my ex-best friend.

I offered a small smile, which she rolled her eyes at.

I never could quite understand why she stopped hanging out with me, or why whenever certain people came along she would start acting differently - why it got to the point where I would overhear her making fun of me when I wasn't around.

Eventually I learned that popularity was important to Madison, and I was simply not popular.

After some time the bell rang for spare, meaning it was time to face the dreaded cafeteria.

As I walked through the scattered tables filled with students, I debated about going up to a random one and asking to sit with them for the millionth time this year, but it was already six months into school and I still haven't attempted it.

Inevitably, I ended up just sitting at my usual, small table by myself, taking out a book and throwing my earbuds in like usual, snacking on some apple slices.

I was perfectly happy like this, but the couple glances that I took at the other students every once in a while still caused this little ache in my chest. I was suddenly very aware of the few empty chairs beside me.

It just feels like it used to be so much easier last year with Madison by my side. I don't remember there being an ache when we were still best friends. But I guess that's just something I need to get used to. After all, this is my last year of high school.

I turned my music one notch higher, drowning out the voices around me as I turned the page in my book.

Walking off the bus, my mind drifted to the new neighbour, causing me to glance at the now occupied house next to my own.

I've only seen him once, yet I couldn't help but want to share another moment together like we did this morning - despite how embarrassed I was during the time.

A small sigh passed my lips as I ultimately made my way inside my own house.

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