Chapter 44 // Passion

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Hey, everyone! Finally posting on schedule somewhat consistently now!! Excited about this chapter, I think they're kind of cute here, idk. Anyway, I hope you enjoy!

The day went by swiftly, the evening creeping closer as we made our way off of the bus, beginning to prepare for the night ahead of us.

After eating supper, it was pretty much just waiting for time to pass by until rehearsal, half an hour before the game at seven.

I was waiting in my room, checking my clarinet for the millionth time - as if it could have somehow broken in the last couple minutes - already wearing my band uniform.

Taking out the reed from my clarinet, I subconsciously glanced out my window to see Logan already staring back at me, standing over a duffel bag that I'm sure contained all of his football gear.

I stared back, meeting his gaze as I waited for him to make a move, yet all he did was smile back at me.

I finally tore my eyes away from his, reaching for my notepad, unsure of what else to do and beginning to squirm under his gaze.

"Are you ready for the game?" I decided to write, lifting it up so he could see.

He was sitting on the edge of his bed, marker and notebook already in hand, his usual resting smile there.

"Yup, you? Been practicing the chords on your clarinet?"

I had to stifle a laugh at his lack of knowledge when it came to music and instruments, but somehow it just made me like him more.

"Well, you can't really play chords on a clarinet, but I've been practicing the notes!" I held up, adding a sarcastic smile to ensure the lightheartedness of my words shone through.

He threw his head to the side, laughing at his own mistake like it was nothing.

"Oops :P" he wrote once he got over his laughter, drawing a silly face.

"It's all good! A chord is made up of three notes, and a clarinet can only play one note at a time, where guitars can play multiple at the same time. So you just used the wrong term for the clarinet." I explained adding a shrug.

"Huh, you learn something new everyday!" he held up, mimicking my shrug with raised brows.

"So, are you nervous?" I held up before quickly writing; "For the game, I mean."

He took a minute to think, hesitating before writing his response.

"A little, but I think right now I'm more excited than anything. What about you?"

I on the other hand didn't take any time to consider my feelings, already very aware of the nerves that had been running through my body ever since this morning.

"I'm kind of super nervous..."

"Don't be! You're going to be amazing, trust me. You always work hard at everything you do, so why would this be any different?

"Plus, music is your passion. How could you go wrong with passion?" he held up, staring into my eyes as I read through his heartfelt encouragement, at first feeling my face flush, but soon beaming back at him, meeting his gaze.

"Thanks, I needed to hear that - or I guess read that :P" I wrote, copying his drawing of the silly face as I held his stare, a smile resting on both of our lips.

"Your words not mine, remember?"

That's when this morning's interaction flooded back into my head, telling him those exact words, him leaning in.

I found myself wishing I could be there next to him at the thought, instead of separated by two panes of glass, confining us in our own rooms.

I don't know how long we sat there staring at each other, but his dad walked in at some point and pointed to Logan's alarm clock, prompting me to look at my own phone; 5:50.

By the time I looked back, Logan was scribbling furiously, his dad already gone.

"I got to go, I have to be at the school for 6."

I quickly rushed a reply, noting the urgency in his actions.

"Okay, I'll see you there!"

I held it up as he grabbed his duffel bag, stopping to read my reply before nodding with a thumbs up and a smile, dashing out the door.

I put down my notepad and black marker, taking in a deep breath before releasing it along with all of my worries, my thoughts lingering on those few encouraging words.

'How could you go wrong with passion?'

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