Chapter 47 // Pyrrhic Victory

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Hey everyone! Here's chapter 47 right on time for once!!
Only 10 more chapters until You Belong With Me is finished.
I hope you enjoy this longer one and have a great day ❤️ Thanks for reading!

As the game continued, we all cheered and watched in anticipation with every point they earned, time creeping closer to those final minutes.

The score was now forty-six home, and forty-eight guest, the Ace's in the lead. Both teams had been pretty much neck-in-neck the whole game, and with only a few minutes left, everyone was on the edge of their seats, waiting to see the final outcome.

The teams took off as the football came into play.

I didn't know that much about the game, but I did know that Logan was a wide receiver and that when he got the ball with an opening to the end zone, he had to sprint towards that end zone - and sprint he did.

Landon Hanson, the quarterback, threw the ball over to Logan, both midrun. He took off to the end zone, his path mostly clear as number five from the other team chased after him.

Logan maneuvered his way past the other team, jutting his shoulders out to dodge their attempts at tackling him.

The buzzer sounded, indicating the end of the game. My heart pounded faster, knowing that if that ball now dropped before the end zone, it would all be over.

Everyone was cheering as he got closer, anxiously standing up if they weren't already. I clutched onto my clarinet, holding it tighter than I should as he dodged the other team's final attempt at stopping him.

That's when he finally crossed the line, football in hand, successfully winning our team a touchdown, as well as the final points of the game that we needed to win.

The crowd's cheers escalated as well as mine, some of the band members playing their instruments just to create louder noise in excitement.

The cheerleaders were doing flips and other stunts in triumph and the remaining Knights football players ran over to Logan, lifting him high over their shoulders.

Logan ripped off his helmet, his hair and face glistening in the floodlights above them as he let out a victory cry, throwing his hands over his head.

I let out a large laugh at the sight, practically feeling his radiating, carefreeness.

While he was still lifted in the air, his eyes scanned the crowd, landing on my own before sending me a huge smile.

My stomach fluttered at the action, returning it with one of my own as he was placed back on the ground. He stayed mid field, talking to everyone there for a bit longer, before jogging over to the side where the cheerleaders were.

That's when I realized that Madison was there, but with another player, running her hand down his jersey before tapping him on the chest as she told him something.

Logan finally reached her, obviously seeing what she did as he cut into the conversation.

I felt my mouth open in shock as I took in the scene before me.

After everything that Madison had done, I never expected her to just throw Logan away as if he was nothing - especially when she acted like he was her prized possession just hours ago.

Madison turned to face Logan, leaning into number eight's side as she furrowed her eyebrows. She looked as if she was practically spitting out her next words, looking him up and down in disgust.

Logan said one last thing before walking off, shaking his head, until the white number twelve on his back was too far to make out.

My legs flinched at the sight, ready to follow him before my head had made a decision. It only took a couple of seconds more before I was halfway down the bleachers, leaving my clarinet behind on the stands as I pushed past people.

"Wait, Harper, there's one more song!" I heard Mr. O'Donell shout from behind me, but I proceeded on, the only thing on my mind being Logan.

I had to jog to catch up with him as he began walking down the sidewalk, helmet in hand.

"Logan, wait!" I practically shouted, my hat falling down for about the millionth time, knocking into my glasses before I finally took it off, carrying it instead.

His long strides didn't seem to slow, but with the hat out of my face I finally walked beside him, one of his steps equaling about two of mine.

"Logan, just wait a second," I tried, my chest heaving, anxiously. "Can you slow down?"

He suddenly stopped, causing me to turn around to face him.

"Look, I already know that thinking Madison would turn out to be like my dad was stupid, okay? You don't need to tell me," Logan spoke out, his voice cracking as he rushed past me.

I watched him go as if paralyzed in shock.

"I don't think it's stupid," I managed to say, barely above a whisper, but he was too far gone to hear.

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