Chapter 37 // That Bad

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Hey! Sorry for not posting last week. The editing process took a lot longer than usual. To make up for it, I'm posting two chapters this week! Here's the first one :) Enjoy!

After a long conversation with my parents I had finally made it to Logan's back door. The only problem was I didn't know what to do now.

He told me to come to the back does that mean he would meet me here? Should I wait, or just let myself in?

He did tell me that I could use the key, but I don't know how serious he was about that and I didn't feel right letting myself into someone else's home.

Feeling conflicted and confused, I decided to just wait a bit by the back door, hoping he would come out to save me from the embarrassment of waltzing inside on my own.

My legs began to ache after a couple of minutes, moving to sit on the grass as I plucked a few strands to keep myself occupied.

I eventually glanced at the time on my phone, seeing that it had already been fifteen minutes. My face twisted into a cringe as the realization sunk in that I would just have to go in myself.

With a sigh, I stood up, about to crouch in front of the very same rock Logan lifted up some time ago, before I figured I should at least try the door first.

To my surprise, as soon as I twisted the door knob, it cracked open, revealing the small dining room inside.

I took a deep breath as I pushed it open more, feeling like an intruder. Barely stepping inside, I quickly turned around to quietly close the door behind me.

I then slowly faced the dining room again, before suddenly freezing in place as I watched Logan's dad stare back at me from across the room.

"Uh...hi?" he said, questioningly, taking a quick glance around the room before meeting my eyes again.

" invited me over," I muttered out, dying from awkwardness.

I shifted the weight on my feet as my hands joined in front of me.

"Okay...well...welcome back," he greeted, turning back around to continue washing the dishes that were floating in the sink.

"Logan said I could just go through the back door...otherwise I wouldn't have...just so you know."

"Oh! That's all good. I think he's upstairs," he finished sounding friendlier and more smooth than before.

"Okay, thanks," I replied softly, trying to get my cheeks to stop radiating heat, most likely a rosy colour as well.

As I approached the bottom of the stairs, I saw Logan around the corner, his hand covering his mouth tightly as tears lined his eyes.

I felt a wave of concern wash over me at the sight, until he let out a muffled noise imitating a laugh. The guy was laughing at me!

I crossed the remaining distance between us, itching to give him an earful, but reminding myself of his dad around the corner in the next room.

In a last minute decision, I grabbed his arm, leading him up the stairs. He took the lead once we reached the top, moving us into his room and closing the door behind him.

He erupted into laughter once again as I deadpanned, watching him hold his stomach.

"Are you done?"

His laughter began to die down eventually, now breathing heavy as he wiped the few tears from his eyes that were now beginning to dry up.

"How many times am I going to embarrass myself in front of your dad!" I whined out, hiding my face in my hands in an attempt to hide my still burning face.

"It wasn't that bad," he said comfortingly, still a bit of amusement in his voice.

I let out a sarcastic laugh.

"Says the one who was laughing their butt off just a second ago!"

I heard the light footsteps against the hardwood that lined his floor as he approached, until they came to a stop, the brush of a hand against one of mine.

I felt him gently pull it away to reveal my awestruck face, before my other hand fell with it.

"What does it matter anyway? At the end of the day - no matter how bad it may, or may not have been - these things are what makes you, you. My dad still likes you," he said, a soft smile on his lips. "-and so do I."

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