Chapter 32 // Pebbles and Tapping

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Hey everyone! I would just like to say thank you so much for the reads and follows <3 It means a lot to me. Bit of a longer chapter today! Enjoy!

After an exhausting day, all I wanted to do was curl up in my blankets and read the hours away.

The amount of energy I had used up earlier in the day shocked me, and all just to gain enough courage to sit somewhere new.

By the evening a headache had formed and my eyes were wanting to close on their own accord, leaving me in a sluggish mood as I made my way out of the bathroom, finished with my night routine.

"Goodnight!" I hollered, slowly making my way to my room.

"Shh. You'll wake up Avery!" my mom called back from downstairs.

"Well, if I didn't manage to wake her up, you sure did," I mumbled.

I was about to close my bedroom door behind me when the sensible, big sister side of me appeared, prompting me to do the right thing.

So with that thought in mind, I backed up, walking down the hall before cracking open my little sister's door.

I glanced around her room, only to see Avery passed out in her bed, tucked under the covers as drool made its way down her cheek.

Of course. I should have known she wouldn't have woken up. I swear she could sleep through a hurricane and wake up the next morning feeling fine and rejuvenated, as if nothing ever happened.

I rolled my eyes as an amused smile crept onto my face, closing the door and making my way down the stairs.

"Avery's still sleeping," I informed, much quieter than before, already turning around to head back up to my room.

"Okay, thank you, my dear," my mom replied, turning her attention back to the television.

"Night, kiddo!" I heard my dad call from another room, defeating the whole purpose of me coming downstairs.

I let out a small laugh, knowing that mom was going to scold him for that.

"Night, dad!"

I finally made it to my bedroom, shutting the door and letting myself fall on the bed with a sigh.

Logan was probably still at the party. I mean, it wasn't exactly late for a party to end yet, so I doubt there's any chance he would be home.

Images flooded my head of what he could all be doing right now. Sometimes - no, most of the time - it feels like we're too different to be friends. Especially anything more than friends.

Like he's on a whole different level than I am.

I shook away my thoughts, slowly getting up, before grabbing a book and throwing the blanket over me in hopes to distract my wandering mind.

Beginning from where I had left off yesterday, I instantly got lost in the pages all over again, my thoughts finally being able to focus on something.

The small light attached to the top of my book illuminated the pages, allowing me to see them within the dark room.

After a bit of time, it felt like I had been reading for about an hour, but I knew from experience that this meant I had really been reading for, more or less, three.

The room was dead silent other than the noise of pages turning as I finished reading them.

Well, it was dead silent until that tapping started...


I quickly turned my head towards the window, my heart beginning to beat faster in my chest.

"What in the world..." I mumbled, crawling out of bed, before inching closer.

I grabbed my phone from the end of my bed, seeing it read; 2:15a.m. as I stuck it in the elastic of my checkered pajama pants.

I was suddenly glad that I had decided to stay up reading, meaning I already had my glasses on, and if there was someone out there, I was at least awake, and not vulnerable as I slept through it all.

Each step I took seemed to feel too heavy to be mine, the sound of my breathing and pounding heart filling the dark and eerie room that once used to be my comfort haven.

The thought of getting my parents crossed my mind, but I hadn't heard the sound of the television for a while now and I didn't want to wake them up over nothing.

It was probably nothing, I reasoned with myself, not fully believing it.

So I continued investigating, finally reaching the window.

I took one last deep breath, grabbing onto the curtains as I slowly pulled them apart, an inch at first, and then all the way when I realized the only thing there was to see was Logan's window, staring back at mine like always. Nothing out of the ordinary.

I felt my shoulders relax as I was about to turn around, when a small object hit the window from below, causing me to jump in surprise as that same tapping noise was heard.

My eyes widened once again, shuffling closer to the window to see what was down there.

As I glanced down, a figure came into view, holding a small pile of pebbles in his hand, as the other waved up at me. Even in the dark I could see the blonde hair sticking out behind the black background, looking oddly familiar.

Wait, was that Logan?!

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