Chapter 46 // His Gaze

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Hey, everyone! Chapter 46 is FINALLY posted!!! Sorry it took so long. This chapter ended up being the length of almost two, and required a lot of rewriting. I'm excited for you guys to read it and I hope you enjoy ❤️

We were already a good way into the game, the cheerleaders performing their routines, constant cheers from the crowd, and shouts every now and then from the players.

The teams' constant grouping together and breaking apart seemed endless, travelling in sequence from one end of the field to the next.

It didn't take long until it was time for us to play again, letting the players and cheerleaders take a small break.

Mr. O'Donell sat up from the bleachers, now standing in front of us with his baton in hand as we all followed suit, readying our instruments to play our rather long song to fill in the gap.

He raised his hands, moving them in beat to count us in, before it was our cue, beginning to play.

It didn't take long for my face to heat up at the unwanted attention. I knew everyone thought that band was lame and comical - at least everyone that wasn't in the band - but for once I was able to put that aside, instead just to focus on a different insecurity. Our outfits.

My fingers began to stiffen over the tone holes on my clarinet, along with the rest of my body soon after. With all of the thoughts flooding my mind, I wasn't able to concentrate fully on the music in front of me, let alone the conductor or any other instrument around me.

I moved my fingers sporadically, trying to keep up with the group, but ultimately lost my timing multiple times, playing mostly wrong notes.

My eyes slowly drifted away from my music sheets and conductor on their own accord, taking note of every eye that was on us - including Madison's - as a lump formed in my throat, making it difficult to play.

I did a double take when my eyes landed on a familiar face, locking onto Logan's light blue eyes that watched me from the side, below.

The crease between his brows deepened, his eyes scanning my face. I realized I had stopped playing, no longer being able to play from memory as I continued to look away from the music sheets.

His features changed all of a sudden, like he just decided on something, before he gave me a small smile. Not too long after, a nod followed that radiated nothing but confidence, as if encouraging me to play.

The one gesture was enough to bring his words to my mind once again.

'Music is your passion. How could you go wrong with passion?'

Without wasting another second, I turned back to my sheet music, taking one more steady glance at Logan.

Music is my passion, so I shouldn't let something like this hold me back from it. I can't let insecurities stop me from doing something I love.

My eyes glided through the paper as I tuned into everyone's part around me.

After practicing a song for months on end, it becomes easier and easier to learn where your part fits in with everyone else's, always trying to find balance to play as a group and not an individual - a skill that Mr. O'Donell enjoys drilling into us.

So as soon as I heard a distinct part to let me know exactly where we were, I counted out one full measure, before joining back in seamlessly.

After only a few measures, focusing on playing with everyone around me, I felt myself begin to get lost in the song just like I always manage to -

feeling the way we all made room for each other's parts to be heard, the harmonies and melodies blending together before switching roles, and the way my nerves built when we neared a difficult part, followed by the excitement of playing through it perfectly.

The song was over too soon as we slowed down, our dynamics softening, before building once again in one last accentuated note, silence eventually filling the stadium.

The clapping began soon after, a couple of cheers standing out amongst the crowd as a smile grew on my face, taking in the lingering adrenaline that came with the performance. I turned as I heard the girl behind me, Clarissa on the flute, begin talking to me, a huge grin on her own face.

"I was so sure I was going to mess up on measure forty, but I made it through!" she exclaimed, her energetic body language matching my own. "I think we did pretty good!"

"Yeah! Not going to lie, I kind of froze for a bit of it, but I managed to find my spot again, thank goodness!"

She laughed, turning to the guy next to her to compliment him on his dynamics. I shared a look of excitement with the trombone player, Nate, before my eyes wandered back onto the field, finding Logan's gaze once again.

I mouthed a thank you, hoping it had reached him through the distance between us as I relished in this seemingly perfect moment. His look was one of playful confusion, raising his hands as if to say he had nothing to do with it.

I let out a small laugh while the claps silenced, the attention turning back to the players as the beginning of the second half was announced.

After a huddle, the players jogged back onto the field, getting into position.

With that, a shout was heard once again, and the players took off.

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