Chapter 27 // Good Luck

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Thank you so much for all the reads everyone! It means the world to me and is definitely a motivation booster when it comes to this story ❤️
Thanks again and enjoy!

"I-" I stumbled out, unsure what to say.

Logan stopped digging through his locker and turned to me, noticing my hesitation and serious tone.

I took a large breath, deciding to start over completely.

"I think I'm going to sit at a different table for lunch."

I lifted my head after a few seconds of silence, waiting for his reaction.

His eyes were wide and he looked slightly taken back.

"Why? Did I do something wrong?"

"No, no. It's...a different reason," I trailed off, unsure if I should tell him or not.

Madison is his girlfriend, he probably wouldn't like me talking bad about her. Besides, I'm his friend, I have to be supportive.

"Don't worry about it, I'm just going to see how it goes for now, and depending on that I might come back to Madison's table. I don't know yet, but it's not a big deal," I tried, hoping that would be enough to convince him.

" you want me to sit with you?"

I stared at him for a moment, unable to read his expression.

"No, that's okay. Thank you though," I decided, offering a smile.

I didn't want to take him away from Madison. Knowing her, she might even decide to move tables with Logan anyway, defeating the whole purpose of leaving the table.

"Sure..." he replied softly, looking a little hesitant for probably the first time since I've met him.

The tension between us at the moment bothered me even more than I thought it would, hoping more than anything that this wouldn't be the downfall of our friendship.

Logan was still looking down slightly when the running back of our football team, Landon Carson, greeted him, including one of those dead nods that guys do.

Despite the fact that he signed my t-shirt in junior year, I was sure he hadn't remembered me as he continued walking the halls.

Logan replied smoothly, the tensity relieving his face, before turning back to me.

"Well, we can still walk to the cafeteria together," he finally said, smiling.

I returned the smile as the once present tension seemed to ease away.

"Definitely," I confirmed before turning my attention back to his locker. "What are you looking for anyway?"

"My calculator for math next period. I like to have all my stuff with me beforehand so I don't have to go through the hassle of heading back to my locker," he explained.

"You mean this calculator?" I asked, grabbing it from the side of the top shelf.

"Yes! How did you do that?!" he asked enthusiastically, his eyes wide in awe.

He closed his locker, beginning to walk again.

"Well, considering my locker and room are constantly a mess, I've become an expert at finding things in the biggest amounts of clutter," I said matter of factly, attempting to match his playful manner.

He let out a large laugh as we approached the cafeteria's entrance, stopping in our tracks to face each other.

"Well...I'll see you after school, Harper," he said before stepping closer.

I was unsure of what he was doing and didn't know what to do myself, until my head hit his chest, his arms wrapping around me.

My eyes were wide and my heart was beating a mile a minute.

Logan Moore was hugging me at the entrance of the cafeteria.

I slowly felt myself relax after a couple seconds before hugging him back.

Not too long after that he began to pull away, smiling down at me.

"Good luck, Harper."

That was the last thing he said to me before leaving for Madison's table, looking back once to see my shocked face, remaining in the same spot he left me in.

Eventually tearing my eyes away from him, I realized how hot my face felt.

I let out a breath of air in an attempt to focus, before finally entering the noisy, crowded cafeteria.

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