Chapter 26 // Now or Never

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The one good part about Logan being dragged away by Madison and leaving me alone on the bus was that it gave me some time to think.

I was so done with Madison's teasing and threats.

I've always hated it, but what choice did I have? Logan wanted to sit there and if I wanted to sit with Logan, then I had to deal with Madison.

But was it really worth it?

I felt so trapped, but was too afraid to go sit by myself, join anyone else, or even say anything to Logan or Madison about her behaviour.

I may not have the guts to confront Madison, I don't know if I could even talk to Logan about this.

But being able to sit with the guy I like for a little less than an hour isn't enough to make sense of being under constant pressure and harassment.

I decided that today was the day I was going to sit at a different table, wherever that may be.

And this time, I wasn't going to back out.


After a while of classes full of worksheets, assignments, and lectures, lunch seemed to come around way too fast.

I didn't feel ready to do this, but there was no avoiding it.

It needed to be done, and sooner than later was my best bet.

As I walked to the cafeteria I began to rehearse what I was going to say, despite not having a plan of any sorts.

Every step I took, the more nervous I got, my heart beginning to race faster.

As I rounded the corner I was suddenly pushed backwards onto the ground.

"Woah, I'm so sorry, Harper!" I heard a low, familiar voice say.

I looked up and saw Logan standing in front of me, reaching out his arm to help me up.

My face heated as I slowly reached out my own hand and took his, hoisting me back up to my feet.

"It's fine, thanks," I replied, smiling as I felt for my glasses, adjusting them.

He returned the smile, letting out a small laugh.

"I was just heading to my locker quickly, do you want to tag along?" he offered.

"Sure...I think that would be good," I replied, thinking this would be the perfect time to let him know what I had in mind.

"Sorry again for crashing into you like that, I was in a bit of a rush," he explained as we were walking, scratching the back of his neck.

I took a glance at him, noticing how distant he looked, as if deep in thought.

"It's all good, really," I began, trying to read his face. "Why were you in such a hurry? You have a whole period to get to your locker."

He let out a sigh that sounded like a half laugh, but by his expression you can tell he wasn't amused.

"Yeah...Madison wanted me to hurry - something about spending more time together or something. I don't know," he mumbled, reaching for the lock attached to his locker.


I found it odd how she wanted him to hurry, but honestly everything Madison did at this point was unusual - at least compared to how she used to be.

"Uh...Logan, could I talk to you for a second?" I finally asked, working up my courage.

"Yeah?" Logan prompted, as he dug through his locker.

It was now or never.

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