Chapter 9 // Closure

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Closure; It's something every person seeks when there are uncertainties, grief, or an ending of any kind of relationship.

It's one of the many, and biggest things that we need as people to be able to move on.

I think that was one of the reasons why everytime I did the simplest task, my mind would drift to the one person in my life who I needed that very thing from the most; Madison Haze.

I always assumed it was due to popularity that she left me and began changing herself completely to the point where I barely recognize her now, but I needed closure even if it hurt me in the end.

The only problem was I didn't know how to get it, and was unsure if she would even give it to me in the first place.

I would like to say the three years that we had been friends meant something to her, but I honestly didn't know anymore.

I tried to blink away these overwhelming thoughts and focus on the makeup that I was applying - a little bit of mascara, thin eyeliner, foundation, a light layer of black eye shadow, and chapstick.

My makeup routine basically never changes, partly because I like the natural look it gives, but also because I'm not very confident in my makeup abilities - I never was, really.

I only started wearing it in sophomore year after Madison showed me how to do it, convincing me to apply it on a regular basis so she wasn't the only one wearing it out of the two of us.

At first it was something I wasn't sure about, but I've really grown to like it. The only downside is that it reminds me of my lost friendship and is the very reason why I began thinking about closure in the first place.

I finished up in the bathroom, opening my curtains and walking around my room, gathering up everything I would need for school.

At this point I was basically ready to go downstairs, but I couldn't help but wait a little longer, stalling as I messed around on my phone.

I was secretly hoping a certain someone would open his curtains as well, but I couldn't stop time and had to get to school.

Taking one last lingering glance towards the window, I inevitably headed downstairs.

"Bye, girls!" I heard my mom yell as she stepped into the garage.

"Bye, Mom!" We both called, searching the kitchen for breakfast.

I had to admit, it got lonely sometimes having my parents leave at such early hours, not seeing them until after school - and school didn't fill that growing hole in my life either.

But lately Logan has been sitting on the bus with me as well as walking me to my first class which has been really comforting.

I hope he will be someone that I can rely on in the long run.

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