Chapter 29 // Manageable

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I was still absorbed in my book when the bell went, signaling the end of lunch and causing me to jump slightly in my seat, unprepared for it.

It was amazing how fast lunch could go when I was, for once, comfortable and enjoying myself.

I looked around as I began packing up my own things, noticing Alex still reading beside me.

"Uh, Alex, I think the bell went..." I said loosely, hoping she would get the hint.

She didn't even look up from her reading as she turned the page replying with a simple, 'I know'.

"Oh...well, we have class now...aren't you going to start heading there?" I asked hesitantly, knowing it really wasn't my business, but confused nonetheless.

"Don't worry about me. I'm sure Mr. Jansson will manage one day without me showing up exactly on time and avoid a heart attack," she assured, making no move to get up as everyone else cleared the room.

"Okay...well, bye," I replied, unsure what else to say.

She just raised her hand in response as I turned, heading to my chemistry classroom.

My last two classes were surprisingly enjoyable, something I found didn't happen very often nowadays.

I didn't have to deal with Madison's constant torment and intimidation, Logan hugged me and actually made me feel better about this new change, and I met Alex who - despite her individualistic nature - seems like someone I could become friends with, as well as deeply shares the interest of reading with me.

So, although it still hurt knowing that Logan was with Madison and I still had to deal with their subtle PDA around school, it felt like my whole dilemma became manageable for the first time since I've obtained it.

"Harper!" I heard someone shout from behind me.

I turned back to the doors of the school, searching for the person who had called my name, when I saw Logan racing towards me.

I couldn't help but smile, and as he got closer, I noticed his face held one as well.

"What are you running for?" I asked, holding in a laugh.

He pointed in the opposite direction, causing me to look.

"The bus," he said, slightly out of breath.

That's when I noticed the last person in line already climbing the steps inside, leaving us little time to catch up.

"Come on!" he exclaimed, grabbing my hand as he led us onto the bus, barely making it before the doors closed.

We sat down in our usual seats with me closest to the window as always, catching our breaths as the driver glared at us through the rearview mirror.

The bus then began to move as our laughs died down, Logan turning to face me.

"So, how was lunch?"

I thought back to lunch period, before slowly talking through my thoughts.

"Surprisingly good! I mean, I missed sitting with you, obviously. But I met this girl named Alex and - although we didn't talk much - she seemed really friendly. So I'm hoping we can be friends, or at least hang out during lunch together."

He gave me a small smile that I felt didn't quite reach his eyes.

"That's good, Harper. I'm really happy for you."


I felt some tension form between us as I shared my news.

But I knew despite my surfacing doubts that it was okay for me to meet new people and form new friendships, and doing so as well as talking about it, doesn't mean I'm losing past friends.

I wanted to be able to tell him about my life and share things like this with him. It felt right and somewhat natural at this point.

I just hoped he felt the same way I did about this all.

I guess I'm just a little scared now that I've stopped spending lunch with him, that other things would stop between us too.

The fact is, I simply don't want them to.

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