Chapter 21 // The Mystery Crush

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Hey guys! I just wanted to say thanks for reading! It means a lot to me and I can't wait to create more and better content for your enjoyment ❤️ Also feel free to let me know if I should start adding writer's notes like this in my chapters. I've been debating about it for a while now and I think I'd like to try it out. Thanks again, and don't be shy to comment!!

My eyes went so wide I thought they would fall out of my sockets.

A million questions began filling my mind at her conclusion.

Who all knew? Was I somehow obvious? How did Madison even know in the first place?

I glanced around the table, searching everyone's faces.

Some stared straight back, mirroring Madison's face of accusation, while others seemed like they didn't even hear her.

One girl even looked uncomfortable as she squirmed in her seat, scanning the crowd.

They all heard, didn't they? How could they not - I mean, they're sitting right there!

I finally turned back to Madison, still unsure of what to respond with.

How did she even know?!

"...T-That's not true..." I stumbled out, starting to freak out internally.

Madison raised a challenging brow, seeing straight through me.

"Hey guys! What are we talking about?" I heard a low, cheerful voice say behind me.

I froze in my seat, not daring to even catch a glimpse of the guy I had just been exposed to liking, behind me.

I didn't miss the smirk that formed on Madison's face as he approached the table.

"Oh, just about Harper's little crush," Madison replied sweetly, gesturing towards me with her hand.

As Logan sat down on one of the only empty seats, which happened to be next to Madison, I noticed his eyes widen.

"Harper, you like someone?" he asked in shock.

I glanced up at him hesitantly.

What was I supposed to say? I wished so badly that someone could just take over and speak for me - or at least be nice enough to make the bell ring, just this moment to get me out of responding.

"" I mumbled.

"Yeah, you do! Remember? We were just talking about him! Why don't you describe him to Logan," Madison continued to taunt.

"Hey, it's alright if you don't want to share with me. No big deal," Logan cut in wearing a small smile on his face.

I couldn't tell if I was relieved or devastated.

Obviously I wouldn't have to tell him about the guy I like - considering it's him - but now he knows that I like someone! What if he thinks that it isn't him - or worse, that it is him?!

My head was flooding with thoughts, drowning out everything that was going on around me.

"Harper," I heard someone say, raising their voice.

I was snapped back to reality, met with the worried eyes of Logan Moore and the narrowed ones of Madison Haze.

"Sorry, just spaced out a bit there," I let out a light chuckle, dismissing it.

"You seem to do that a it a condition?" Madison asked innocently.

I stared at her in shock.

"Woah, woah, Madison, you can't go asking someone if they have a condition. Doesn't matter if it is or not," Logan began before turning to me. "Don't worry, I space out every now and then too."

A smile slowly formed on my face until it matched his.

It's times like these I wished he knew that it was him I liked.

"I didn't mean anything by it, I was just curious," Madison said finally, staring straight at me.

"It's...fine, I guess," I mumbled out after a few seconds.

I caught Logan's worried gaze once again as he opened his mouth to say something.

Just then, Madison lifted her hand, turning his head towards her as she leaned in for a kiss.

I thought I saw a slight grimace on Logan's face, but I lowered my head, not wanting to see anything more than I had to.

And it's times like these when I'm glad he doesn't know I do like him.

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