chapter 4

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haha already updated next part i have a test on Friday so tomorrow is going to be used for studying D; lol hope you love the chapter please comment and vote and keep reading !!! luv yah!!

Starks P.O.V

“The cold medicine didn’t work for two flying farts! Or it could be because I’m a zombie and nothing works” I said as Lyon walked me to my black Denali. It’s been a week, one freeking week and I’m still sick like what is wrong with my immune system! “You are not a zombie, you’re just… stupid.” Lyon said closing the door and driving to the little hospital. The pack house was away from the town you know don’t want travelers see kids running around as human in one second then shift the next. Like really that would be horrible…

We arrived at the hospital and my wolf began to act weird

‘so now you want to go to the doctor, hmm what made you change your damn mind?’ I swear I hate it when he talks like that

"Look scar no one asked for your two cents. You're sick too so I would shut it." I said.  Scar my wolf was a mix of red and brown. Huge wolf too. I mean that's what you would expect of an alpha.

We were waiting in room 1-B when i herd someone knock on the door. a little nurse came in, OK she was not little but the nickname suits her. She walked in front of Lyon and gosh don't get me wrong her back side was a great view.  Her scrubs were tight on her ass.

'Wow I hope she is our mate. I mean wow look at her' scar said .

"sorry buddy but she is human." I herd him grunt and he went dormant again. She turned around and my wolf came back

'oh shit she is sexy!! Like wow. Only if we weren't sick maybe we could smell if she is mate or not' he huffed. 

I looked at her she had a long oval face and beautiful brown hair to frame it. Her skin was a light very light brown.  I looked straight into her eyes they were green.  I looked down and her chest was no too big and not too small it was perfect.  Her legs were nice as well. You could tell she loved her self, and not let anyone affect her look. I hate it when people think that others determine who you are. I mean you define yourself. You are beautiful the way you are and if someone can't see that then they aren't worth it.  I looked up and  she was also looking at me too. "So nurse do you like what you see?" I asked her she turned all shades of red.  Ha ha for some reason this little nurse was just getting to me.

"Because if you do you could be my personal nurse" scar began to dog whistle at her. Gosh he has no respect.  She turned away to look at my file .

"So Mr. Stark Nero what brings you here today?" She asks. I point at my nose. She turn around and starts to talk to my beta. I zone out and just looked at her. i closed my eyes and tried to smell her but again it was a fail. I shot open my eyes and she was hugging me.  I was so stunned that almost didn't feel the slightest tingly sensation I felt through my body.

' only if you could smell then maybe we could see if she mate' scar grunted.

"Thank you so much I love the home its wonderful and it has so much space Its great" she said  .

my arms felt like jelly. She then moved away blushing. I blocked out all her words and just kept looking at her face. She walked out and my beta looked at me "could she be your mate" Lyon smirked.  I just looked at him "if I could smell! Then I would find out!" She came back .

wow what an amazing girl.  Only twenty and already successful.

She handed me a little white thing then left. "Wait what did she say?" Lyon grabbed it and broke it and began to cough. "Smells that crap.  Oh god I can't do this." He handed to me and walked out. I looked at it then sniffed it hard like I think I sniffed more then I should because my nose was burning. "Oh shit that's garlic!!!!" I felt the burn all the way to my brain. 

i believe my nose hairs are fried now -.-

 'What the hell stark, why did the little nurse give us garlic does she believe we are vampires.' Scar whimpered. I walked out of the room and a strong sent of mint hit my face

'Mate! Stark go follow the mint smell!'
"Don't have to tell me twice!" I turned and ran out of the hospital to follow Mrs. Mint .

I ran, not far really.  The mint smell got stronger at a little daycare center.

Wow my mate works with kids. That's awesome! Already getting ready for when she has my pups.

'Hurry the hell up I want to see her' scar snapped . I walk into the doors and a huge wave of mint hits my face. I walk inside not minding the stares I was being given. 

I looked at her 'mate!!!!' My wolf yelled in  happiness . 'wait why is she holding a pup in her arms! Why does it smell like her!!!' I looked straight at the little nurse . she was holding a baby boy in her arms.  A baby. A child from another man. I saw as she kissed his nose lightly and the baby laughed.  I felt a pain in my chest that almost brought me into tears.

'Our mate has a family with another man'

The Little nurse cooed her baby. I simply turned around and walked out the door. 'Our mate' scar cried.  We both felt betrayed.  I ran to the woods and burst into my mix of red and brown wolf . I howled in pain ,and ran not looking back at my betrayal... 


Later that day

Dioandra's P.O.V

        after i left the daycare with Caleb i felt a weird feeling. as if i was hurting but it was not me. call me crazy but i just felt hurt and utter sadness. i decided to buy grocery's tomorrow i still had baby food. i never gave Caleb formula i always breast feed.

        we got home and i took Caleb a bath, for some reason he likes to be clean before he eats.

what a clean baby , mommy is so proud! :3

i took Caleb into the living room. one of my favorite things of the house is i have a black piano. ever since i was a child i have always loved it. Caleb looked up at me as i sat him next to me in the chair. i looked out the window and began to play endless love. Caleb would clap and i would bend and give him a kiss.

i looked out the window as i still touched the keys and noticed a little note one the window. i stopped and began to shake in fear. i grabbed Caleb and ran up stairs and locked the door. then i turned to look at my bed and in red flower petals it read

"Did you think you could ever escape me?"


i know i said i will update tomorrow but truth was i couldn't wait plus i need to study for a test on Friday . lol don't forget to keep and spread the love. (ps. EMPIRE was great) don't forget to comment and vote and most of all keep reading!! luv yah ^.^

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