chapter 10

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Yeah!! update. lol hope you like this chapter!! dont forget to comment and vote! luv yah!

Diondras P.O.V

After running out of hall x.  Me and the doctor gave surgery to a pregnant werewolf. The child had got caught in the umbilical cord. It was choking the baby.

We saw broken bones go back to normal. Blood being given. I saw as what Starks grandmother called the mate love.

There was a guy mid-twenties standing around protective over his mate. "Get away!" He yelled. The woman was losing a lot of blood. "Get away!" I grabbed a metal chair and swung hard.

I knew he was werewolf so that was my only choice.

 I could feel my muscles stretching at the impact of his body. The nurses took the woman away. "No give her back!!" He yelled as he charged towards me.  I took a step back I looked at the anger he had in his eyes. "Give her back you worthless human!!!"

2 seconds and he will reach me.  I will move to the left and hit him in his blind spot hoping to knock him out.

I looked at him he grabbed the table that the chair belonged to.  And swung.


 I closed my eyes as I felt strong arms hold me. A huge crack filled the air. I opened my eyes to see a white button up shirt. "Why do I always have to stay near you. It’s so frustrating." Stark said in a husky voice. "You bastard! This bitch took my wife!! I want her back!! Even if I have to go through you." The guy yelled. Stark leaned till his mouth was touching my ear. "Stay back." He whispered. I felt as the warmth and desire engulfed my body. Stark turned around slowly.  "You want to go through me.  Fine but if you die it’s not my fault." As stark turned around they guy began to shiver. He lifted his hand and began to point "you are Stark Nero alpha of the 'Silent River Pack'. you are the one everyone calls the god of calamity." He began to fall onto the floor bowing his head. "Please Alpha Stark forgive my recklessness." Stark stood there in silence.  "You almost kill her and you want me to forgive you?" I could feel Starks anger. The guy looked up in horrifying fear. I grabbed the other chair and swung hard. Stark turned and got the impact on half of his face.  I stood there as stark growled loudly. His cold eyes killing me with nothing but fear. I now knew what that guy felt.  “Run get out of here." I managed to yell. The guy ran out leaving me with the angry god of calamity. "Stark I can explain.  I didn't want you to hurt him." Stark looked at me with fire in his eyes. His temper was rising and rising not even a sudden stop it just kept going. “Stark please calm down.” I reached out for him but he gave out a huge growl. I began to step back "Get away.  The more I touch you the more I want you." He said in between shallow breaths. "Stark please let me." He began to shake his head. "No!" He roared. He looked at me and ran out the door leaving me to once again.

After hours of working with the woman to calm down her bleeding. she finally got back to normal. Beep beep. My pager signaled. I went to the nursing station to see all ten of us. "As you all know we are all werewolves except Diondra." I suddenly felt naked in a park. Everyone I mean patients everyone was staring at me. "She has been a great help for each one of us. All hands on deck is no longer in use. I appreciate everyone's expertise with the patients. Only two were humans out of fifty five passengers including the driver. Almost all of the werewolf’s have gone home only six remain. Two of them are the humans. If you work today please stay I know we were all called here in the afternoon and it’s almost four in the morning. As we all know when a cold blue is called the day care center works around the clock taking care of our kids. So if you have a child they are fine. Diondra follow me, everyone else you are dismissed.” Three nurses stayed behind and the rest went home.

I walked with DR. White. She opened the door to her office. “Diondra I need a favor.” She said sitting on her desk. “Yes DR-" she waved her hand “please call me donna.” I nodded my head “donna, how may I help you?” Donna smiled. And walked over to her desk. “Go to the basement and find me the file A-10.  No need to worry its just medicine.” I turned around “oh and if you see any officers its okay the hospital and the police department share the same room for information. Be careful it’s rather dark.”

After ten minutes of walking around I finally found the basement stairs. As I closed the door the lights began to flicker. “Oh man this is scary!” it echoed through the tunnel. I began to walk feeling as it got colder and colder. Then my father voice entered my concentration of thought. “They can kill you.” I shivered as the thought disappeared in my head. I saw a black door and I slowly turned the nob. I walked in to see rows and rows of boxes.

“Yeah the case of the girl that was eaten by those five wolfs has been closed.” I slowly closed the door and hid in a corner. I saw two officers put a box over a table.

“I mean we have no leads and plus it could just be girl in the wrong place at the wrong time.” One of them said. “Oh well we did our best. Let’s go get some breakfast and head home.” I saw them head out. I found the file A-10 I was literally standing next to it. I walked towards the door and looked back at the box. “Okay! just one peek.” I quietly ran towards it and took of the lid. Inside was a huge file. It read:

Case closed.

Case # 125EA0

I slowly began to open it and almost gaged at the pictures it contained. Bodies of girls half eaten. Pictures of wolfs killed. Documents of what happened it had everything. Then I noticed all the girls had a little mark on their right thigh. I froze, the marking looked a little like mine. I closed the file and took it out. I grabbed another random file and stuck it in there. And ran out the door.

“Good I’m glad you found it I was wondering if you have gotten lost or something.” Donna laughed. “Oh I almost did, but I have to go I’m going to go pick up my son and go home and rest.” As I turned around Donna whispered. “Be careful, sometimes things are closed for a reason.” I just kept walking. As I walked to my car I looked at the file in my bag.

“Be careful, sometimes things are closed for a reason.” Her voice echoed in my head. I turned on my car and drove to the daycare.

“Be careful, sometimes things are closed for a reason.” Her voice ringed again…


update!! hope you like!! haha well i will keep updating! so dont forget to comment and vote! kep reading. keep and spread the love!!

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