Chapter 9

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*at the castle*

Keith's POV

He's gone. Haggar has taken him. Oh no. Suddenly a transmission (I think that's what it's called idk tho) pops up. It's from Haggar speak of the devil. Allura answers it almost immediately.

"Hello Paladins!" Haggar says an evil smile plastered across her face.

"What do you want witch?!" Allura almost spits.

"Ah I think this is more of a what you want situation, don't you think?" Haggar tilts her head slightly which makes her even more creepy.

"Where's Lance?!" I ask.

"Oh you're little Paladin is right here....." She turns around to reveal Lance. He's unconscious. His blue t-shirt has black marks on it and a bit of his skin is showing, it's all burnt. His plaster from his nose has fallen off but that's not worries me most. What worries me most is the fact that Haggar has noticed he is unconscious and has just gone off screen. What's she doing? She returns to the screen with what looks like a syringe. It has white-blue liquid in it. She injects it into Lance's arm and he startles awake.

"Wha- KEITH!!" He shouts. "PIDGE! IRO! (I was tempted to put Iroh bc Uncle Iroh in Avatar is the best) HUNK! LLURA! CORAN! HELP SHE'S HORRIBLE AND UGLY!!" Haggar snaps her head back from looking at us to him when he says that. I stifle a laugh. Classic Lance.

"Be quiet u insolent child!" She hisses.

"IT'S NOT MY FAULT YOU'RE UGLY AND OLD IS IT? LLURA'S OLD BUT SHE'S LOOKS REALLY YOUNG! But you? Ewww..." I can hear the snickers behind me of everyone enjoying Lance roasting the witch. But all fun must come to an end and that end consisted of Haggar slapping Lance making him shut up.

"Anyway...." Haggar says turning away from the now snivelling Lance. She had hit his nose and his cut had reopened and blood dripped down his nose. "I would like to propose an exchange."

"Go on." Allura says keeping her lips in a straight line.

"The Blue Paladin for... hmmmm what about" She thinks for a second "The weaknesses of all the Paladins?" She turns to Lance. "But I'm sure you can provide that information, hmm? I'll contact you soon to decide whether or not I will hand him over to you. Goodbye Paladins." And with that she ends the transmission. We all stand still for a bit. Then Pidge somehow finds words.

"What should we do?" She looks at Shiro.

"We wait. There's no point trying to rescue Lance if Haggar is going to give him to us if he hands over information..." Allura says.

"But he's going to give up important information!" Pidge shouts throwing her hands into the air.

"No. He won't!" I snap. Everyone looks to me. "He's smart. He will lie."

"That's a possibility..... Allura how do we know Haggar will do good on her word?" Shiro says.

"We don't but there's no reason to keep him is there?" Allura sighs.

I can think of many reasons why she would keep him longer but I don't say anything, everyone's already uptight about it. "I'm going to train." I say instead. I haven't trained properly since Lance got turned into a baby. I should probably catch up.

A/N OML I CAN'T BELIEVE IT ANOTHER CHAPTER IS OUT!!!!! What will happen next? No one knows..... except me of course hehe...

Shoutouts to @Avatar8910and 

You know the name but still....


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