Chapter 12

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Keith's POV

I wake up to snores coming from the bed. Wait what? I sit up and find myself lying on the floor. Great. I'm about to leave the room, which I know remember is Lance's bedroom, when I hear sobbing. It's coming from Lance.

"Lance?" I whisper, only now noticing that he is now back to his normal form. He continues to sob in his sleep. I shake him repeating his name once more. "Lance?" His eyes fly open and a small gasp escapes my mouth.

"Keith?" He says tears streaming down his face. "Wha- what happened?"

"You were crying.... I think you were having a night terror..."

"A night terror? Ohhhh a nightmare..."

I nod. "Do- do you remember what happened?"

"Yeah, this I remember... that bonding moment you insist happened on the other hand. No." He laughs and I blush. It sounds like bells tinkling it's so cute! Wait.... did I just call Lance cute? He's not a baby anymore..... do I- do I like Lance? Oh no he's looking at me!

"Keith? You alright there?" He asks, standing up.

"Uhh yeah yeah I'm fine!" I murmur. God he's hot.

"M'kay... I'm gonna have a shower!" He says and walks into the shower room.

Lance's POV

Was Keith checking me out? No he would never like a guy like me. I sigh. If only..... he's way out of my league. I turn on the shower and think of his gorgeous grey-blue eyes. I switch off the shower and wrap a towel around me. I'm looking where I'm going and collide with Keith as I walk out of the shower room. We fall down in a pile of limbs.

"Oh Lance! I'm so sorry!" He says getting up a light blush dusting his cheeks.

"Hey it's no problem I thought you'd left..." I can feel my own cheeks heating up. He goes to leave. "Wait Keith!" I shout after him. What am I doing? Too late now he's turned around.


I run my hand through my damp hair. "Could you wait for me?" I ask.

"Oh- of course." His face turns even redder and he turns and leaves.

I exhale and change into my clothes.

When I walk out into the hallway he is leaning against the wall, arms crossed opposite my door.

"Hey." I say.

"Oh hi!" He perks up.

We make our way to the lounge. Our hands brush and I take a leap of faith and grab his hand. I feel him tense and then grab my hand back. This feels good. (Get your minds out the gutter people) We walk into the lounge, hands clasped together. Pidge looks up from her laptop face lighting up when she sees us.

"IT WORKED!!" She yells causing everyone else in the room to look up their faces lighting up as they see us.

"Lonce! You're back to normal!" (Ik u can probs guess who this is but still) Allura beams.

"How's it feel to be back to normal buddy?" Hunk asks me, patting me on the back.

"It feels good!" I laugh.

"We missed you!" Coran (Coran the gorgeous man) shouts.

"Yes. You were quite a troublesome child..." Shiro says chuckling.

"Thanks for putting up with me!" I laugh. I can feel a pair of eyes oh the side of my head and turn to look at Keith. I smile at him and he smiles back. My heart melts, I could look at him forever-

"Stop making goo goo eyes at each other and lets get some food!" Pidge interrupts. We both snap our heads to look at her. She laughs and signals for us to follow her. We comply, hands still held.

A/N Hehe another chapter! There will probably only be 1 more chapter after this.... maybe more who knows 🤷‍♀️ anyway hope you enjoyed!


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