Chapter 10

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*With Haggar*

3rd POV

Haggar turns to Lance who's nose is still bleeding.

"Now Paladin... TALK!" She shouts.

"About what? Ummm... my favourite colour is blue..... I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters Luis, Marco, Veronica and Rachel. I live with them as well as mi mamá y mi abuelita...."

"No not that! What are the weaknesses of the Paladins of Voltron?" She snarls. "Start with the Red one.

Lance gulps. "Should I tell the truth?" He thinks "No. Never reveal your weaknesses to anyone especially not some crusty witch."

"Keith? Oh his weaknesses are that he takes too long to think and he's really good with long range fighting oh and he's amazing with guns!" Lance lies holding the 'g' of 'amazing' for longer for effect.

Haggar frowns. "Oh no she knows I lied." Lance thinks.

"Ok... and the Black Paladin?" She asks.

Lance lets out a small breath of relief 1 down 4 to go. "Oh Shiro? Similar to Keith, can't fight close range, good with a gun, but he thinks wayyyyyy harder than Keith." Lance sucks in a breath in way it was true.....

"Yellow." Haggar demands.

"Hunk is reckless and is an extreme daredevil. If you single him out you are likely to die so never do that...... ummmm he's really dumb so make him get near the engines of our ships and he will probs break them." Lance rolls his eyes for effect.

"Green." Ok this is going great, 3 out of 4.

"Pidge is also quite stupid..... she acts before she thinks and no one really likes her. But she does fight realllllyyyy well so don't corner her. Get her alone in the control room and she won't be able to do anything." Lance finishes and exhales slowly only then realising he hadn't taken a proper breath.

"Thank you blue Paladin. How about I tell your friends that you have given me all the information necessary?" Haggar smiles.

Lance shakes his head. "Nooo they'll hate me!" Haggar just continues to smile and calls the Castle. Allura answers immediately.



"What do you want?" Allura says.

"Your Blue Paladin isn't as loyal as you thought he was......" Haggar turns to Lance "He gave me all the information I needed I will dispatch him immediately!" Haggar grabs Lance by the wrist and pulls him up close to the camera. "She hates you. Can't you see? Good luck with them, they'll never want to see you." Haggar whispers into his ear and then ends the call. Allura goes to tell Lance that it isn't true but the call ends.

*le time skip brought to you by 80's Voltron's Keith's prayers*

Hunk's POV (idk who I wanted to have a POV so I asked my friend who hasn't watched Voltron to pick a name and she chose Hunk 🤷‍♀️)

Allura calls everyone to the control room. I quickly put down the bowl of cookie mix.

"Paladins..... he told them." She says with her head down.

"So he's coming home?" I ask eagerly.

"Yes." Allura answers.

"What's wrong with that Allura you're acting weird..." Keith says.

"Haggar she- she said something to him...." Allura looks down.

"What did she say?" Shiro says softly.

"She- she told him we- I hated him because he told!" Allura begins to cry "But I don't I promise I don't!! I would rather have him back! I COULD NEVER HATE HIM!" She is full on sobbing now. I walk over to her and hug her. Pidge soon joins the hug followed by Shiro then Coran and lastly Keith.

"It's going to be ok Allura... we'll explain!" I assure her.

"Ok." She sniffles.

Keith's POV


"Princess there's a pod incoming." Coran says. "It looks like it's Lance!"

I jump up. "Let him in!"

"Alright, alright calm down!" Coran clicks a button to let the pod in.

I run to meet the pod. When I get there Lance is just clambering out.

"LANCE!" I shout.

"KEEF!" He runs towards me and I envelop him in a hug.

"I missed you so much Lance! Are you ok?" I ask.

"Yeah I'm ok..... pleasedon'tbemadiswearIdidn'ttellheranythingIlied!" Lance rambles.

"Hey, hey it's ok! I'm proud of you!" I smile at him. "Lets go see the others ok?" Lance nods.

A/N Guess what? 4 CHAPTERS IN ONE DAY!!!! Can I just ask people to try not to go a bit overboard on getting angry at characters..... try to refrain from using offensive language.... idm thinks like b*tch, f*ck and sh*t but anything else is a bit too much ok? Thank you! 


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