Chapter 13

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Lance's POV

After Hunk is satisfied by the amount of food Keith and I eat I grab his hand and drag him to the observatory. (No no get your minds out of the gutter)

"Where are we?" Keith asks up at the stars.

"This is the observatory... I come here to look at the stars." He smiles at me when I say this. Ok here goes I'm going to ask him! "Hey Keith?"

"Hmm?" He continues to look up at the stars. I tug on his arm and he looks at me.

"I- I like you... a lot.... And I don't know how you feel and I really don't want this to ruin our friendship and-"

"Can I kiss you?" He asks, cutting me off but I don't mind.

"I- Yes!" As soon as I let those words out of my mouth if feel soft lips press against mine. His lips were softer than I expected and I lean further into the kiss. (Guys I'm so freaking happy rn and I'm the one writing this) We pull apart after a few minutes welcoming oxygen into our lungs. I can feel myself beaming and he beams back.

"That was.... amazing." I whisper panting slightly.

"Yeah... you're a better kisser than I thought!" He jokes. Wait did he just make a joke? My heart melts. He so cute!

"Keith would you be my boyfriend?" I ask. I suck in a breath waiting for him to answer me. Its seems an age before he answers.

A/N HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!! CLIFFHANGER!!! Hope you enjoyed it so far!

The one and only (ok yh ik there are other Nova's but it doesn't matter apart from the fact it ain't my real name 😙✌️)


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