Under Control (Part Two)

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The following weeks went by without much change. Liam would spend most of his time alone, reading or listening to music, apart from when Niall would hang out with him and show him around town. It was lonely and strange, to live in a house that wasn't his. But he was getting by quite easily.

What was keeping him alive was completely different and secret though, it was Harry. He would spend hours looking at the younger boy, just looking. Memorizing each time Harry would laugh or talk, how his curly hair would be messy in the morning but would get back to its place as the day went by. Or how his green eyes would turn slightly grey when it was raining and blueish when the sun was shining.

All of this little things, all of this moments where he could just observe the curly haired boy were his happiest moments, and so far Liam hadn't find anything wrong with that. He had even found Harry reading the same book he was reading and the amount of happiness that brought to him was enough to make some of the bad stuff go away. He felt so safe in Harry's absent company, it was even overwhelming.

Liam was never too careful though, despite his huge obsession that would grow stronger each day, he always made sure that Harry wouldn't notice anything, that last thing he wanted was for Harry to think he was a freak.


Another few weeks went by and Liam had a vast collection of his favorite things about Harry by now.

What he wasn't expecting to find when he got home from school one day, was Harry himself lying on Niall's sofa, just like he lived there. Liam opened the front door, freezing almost instantly. "Hi." Harry said, sitting up straight when he noticed he wasn't alone. "H-Hello..." Liam whispered, clearing his throat. Sure he had talked to Harry before, some brief Hello's and Good Bye's in between classes, moments that Liam would save to remember later, but having Harry sitting in "his" house, right in front of him was a bit, not to say completely, different.

"How are you? I haven't seen you around much..." Harry kept talking, but Liam's brain seemed to be frozen still. "I-I have to go... Sorry..." Was all he managed to say before running upstairs and into his room. Leaving Harry very confused.

"Is your cousin all right?" Harry asked, when Niall came back into the room. "Yeah... I think so, why?" Niall asked a bit surprised. "Well, he just ran away from me... I don't remember doing anything wrong... I-" Harry started saying, but Niall cut him off. "Oh, don't worry... I think he's still a bit messed up with moving here and his parents stuff. The blonde said with a warm smile.

"Hum... Where, where is the bathroom?" Harry asked, getting up. "Upstairs. First door to the right." Niall answered and watched as Harry climbed the stairs. He didn't need to use the bathroom though, he just wanted to check if Liam was okay, but didn't wanted to sound weird to Niall.

Since Liam had arrived, Harry had taken some sort of interest in him. Maybe because he reminded him of home, or maybe because Liam was just really sweet. Harry didn't knew, but with time he had actually started to care a little about the older boy, and lately he had started to notice how Liam would be staring at him sometimes, not in a creepy way. But in a really lovely and endering way.

He found Liam's room almost straight away, knocking softly on the door, and opening it slowly when a low "Yes..." came from inside. Liam was sitting on his bed and he looked terrified when he saw it was Harry. "I'm sorry... I don't mean to disturb you... but, are you okay?" Harry asked a bit unsure. Liam just stared at him, unable to form a proper sentence, while Harry made his way into Liam's room. "Have... have I done something?" Harry asked.

"N-no. Of course not. I'm sorry, I just... I freaked out a bit, I don't know why... I'm sorry." Liam managed to let out, every word sounding so wrecked Harry had to try his hardest not to freak out himself. He sat down next to Liam on his bed, making the older boy shift away slightly in discomfort. Harry sighed and looked around, why didn't he just leave and end up both of their apparent suffering?

He only wondered long enough for his eyes to land on the book placed at Liam's desk. "You're reading that?" Harry asked with a smile, turning away to look at Liam's face. "Yes." Liam said calmly. "It's a good book..." Harry said, looking into Liam's brown eyes. Liam had to look down, breaking away from Harry's gaze.

After a while Liam looked up, only to melt into Harry's bright green orbs, smiling briefly. "I'm really liking it..." Liam said, causing Harry to smile back at him. They stayed like that for a little longer, trapped in a comforting silence, until Niall entered Liam's room.

"Harry?! What are you doing, we need to work..." Niall said, with a small grin. Harry got up and followed Niall out of the door and downstairs, but not before giving Liam one last smile.

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