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Prompt on the side

By onedirectionismylifeforever on Tumblr

Harry was sick, proper sick. He didn't even argue as the boys walked into his and Liam's apartment, discussing something he didn't care about right then. None of them noticed Harry was sick until Liam bent down to give his boyfriend a morning kiss.

"Woah babe, your burning up" Liam exclaimed, pulling the boys from their trail of thought. He bend down and place a cool hand on Harry's burning forehead. Harry leaned into the cool touch of his boyfriend, and moaned when he pulled his hand away.

"What else hurts Harry?" Louis questioned from the side as Liam slid into bed beside Harry. Liam knew that when Harry was sick he became clingy and needy, but secretly he liked it.

"Heads pounding, stomach kills, throat hurts, cold and I feel dizzy and sick" Harry moaned as Liam pulled him closer to him.

"Oh babe, lets get you to the doctors, ay?" Liam said after Harry finished sobbing about how much it hurt.

"I'll phone Paul to get him to drive you" Zayn said dragging Louis and Niall out of the door too. Liam watched as Harry started to doze off and decided that they need to get ready.

"Harry babe, you can sleep later, lets get ready first love"

Liam sat up on bed first and wiggled out of Harry's grip on him. He sorted out a pair of trackies and a loose top for Harry to wear as although Harry said he was feeling cold, Liam knew he was burning up.

"Come on babe, you can sleep in a few minutes, just help me get you changed"

"mmm" Harry moaned as Liam sat him up in the bed, and changed his pyjamas, to his normal clothes. He had just put his top and when Louis quietly came in the dark room.

"Li, the cars ready, Paul's waiting downstairs, do you want us to go with you or are you 2 ok?" Louis asked as he ruffled Harry's hair, only to be groaned at by Harry.

"It's ok, I'll take him and call you when we know what's wrong. Thanks though" Liam answered as Louis opened the curtains and opened the windows to let fresh air fill the germ infected air in the room. Harry tried to stand, holding onto the bed frame and Liam's arm to get his balance. But his shaking legs wouldn't hold him. Harry almost fell, and would of if Liam didn't catch him in time.

"Sorry" Harry mumbled into Liam's chest as Liam helped Harry to his feet. Liam made the quick decision that Harry wouldn't be able to walk, 1) because he was falling asleep whilst standing and 2) because his legs wouldn't hold him today. Liam quickly picked Harry up, cradling him against his chest.

"Sleep now baby, I'll make sure you get better soon, I love you" Liam said quietly, kissing the top of Harry's head as he sat in the back of the car.

******3 Days Later********

"Harry are you sure your be ok?" Liam asked Harry for the 5th time in the space of 10 minutes. The doctors had told him that Harry had a bad case of the flu, and that he would have to have bed rest for at least 2 weeks. Harry was no where near better, still having a very high temperature, vomiting, dizziness, sore throat, and a constant headache. Liam hadn't left Harry's side yet, trying to nurse him better and comfort his sick boyfriend. Liam was protective of all the boys but he had a soft spot for his boyfriend.

"Li, it's for a few hours, I'm sure Harry will be fine" Zayn reasoned with him, trying to drag him out of the apartment. They had a interview with ITV and management was forcing Liam to go, much to his dislike. Liam placed a gentle kiss on Harry's burning forehead before leaving, sighing and moaning about how unfair it was.

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