Something Lost, Something Gained

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THB I didn't read it, just skimmed. But I'm pretty sure it's all sweet and what not.

By louisindeniall on Tumblr

"Liam?" I asked. The fragile boy looked up at me, tears stained on his face. I couldn't help but feel sorry for him.

"What?" he snapped. I stood there; I didn't know what to do. My mouth hung open waiting for words to pour open.

"Just go away Harry, you don't even know what it feels like being in a long term relationship. I don't even know why I called you over here anymore," he snapped. I backed away, shocked at my best mates words. Of course I did, didn't I? I mean, there had been....

Maybe he was right.

He had been crying for the past few hours, and by now, I had gotten over the secret joy of Danielle breaking up with him. I knew looking at Liam was tough enough, but knowing he was single was torture.

Liam was always gorgeous to me. His cute faces, his little outbreaks into song, his overprotectiveness just made everything worse. Sooner or later, I found myself thinking of him on late nights alone.

It wasn't long until I figured how I felt. I didn't know if I felt any other way, so when I grew close with Louis and felt nothing but a sort of brother hood towards no matter how gay we acted, I knew it was really only towards Liam.

I flirted to keep my mind off of him. It was basically instinct. Yet, whenever I looked at the older boy now, I didn't want me off of him at all.

Wait no.

I meant I didn't want my mind off of him.

But I don't mind the first thing I said either.

I shook myself from my thoughts and stared at him. There really was no need for him to call me over if he was just going to yell at me. Honestly, I don't know why he called me. I could've sworn he would've called Zayn or Niall first. Hell maybe even Louis! But not me.

"Liam," my voice was more assertive when I looked at him, "Get up."

Liam looked at me with his piercing brown eyes full of shock, "What?"

"Get. Up," I repeated.

"Why?" he sneered at me. It hurt me to see him be this rude, but the way he had been acting, it was time for me to interveen.

"Come here," my mouth was set in a fine line. He stood there with eyes fixated on mine and frowned. Finally he got up and my heart skipped a beat.

"Harry," he warned as he got closer and I moved towards his kitchen.

"You know making cupcakes always makes you feel better," I said over my shoulder as I kept walking. He followed me without a word and I pulled one of the many batter mixes he had in his cupboard.

"Chocolate heals the soul, eh?" I wriggled my eyebrows. He shrugged and grabbed a mixing bowl. I grabbed a couple of utensils and some eggs and flour from various places and set them down next to him. His body was warm just near mine. He stood there in a tight faded red shirt and black skinny jeans. His eyes met mine and I felt my cheeks flush red.

"Hot in here?" I backed away.

"Little bit," he muttered as I walked towards the stove. He looked at me with a certain peculiar look on his face.

"What?" I asked.

"It's nothing," he shook his head and went back to the cake mix.

The rest of the time we worked in silence, just the two of us. Finally it was time to put the cupcakes in the oven and he had a small smile on his face.

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