Baby Its Cold Outside

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Liam makes Harry breakfast in bed.

By wankerpayne on Tumblr

Liam's eyes flutters opens. He takes a few moments, glancing around the room in complete silence. He notices the bright light coming from the window, and he glances to his right. He gapes at the snow falling on the window pane. Liam grins like a kid in a candy store and jumps out of bed, gazing at the soft snowflakes floating down onto the white wonderland that is four to five inches of snow covering the entire ground. He snickers. Harry's not going to be able to go back to Cheshire today.

Making sure he hasn't woken up his boyfriend, he tip-toes out of the room and into the kitchen, Liam starts the waffle maker and heats up a pan.


Harry groans as he rubs his eyes open. He sits up slowly, his eyes first catching the white snowflakes falling outside. He stands up, inching his way towards the window. A line of foul words slip out of his mouth as he sees how high the snow has piled up. How is he supposed to make it home to Cheshire for Christmas Eve?

Harry swear under his breath as he searches the room for the thickest sweaters and pants he could find. And a shovel. He needed a shovel, a big one, for this matter.


Harry twists around, slipping from all the clothes piled under his feet. He lands on his bum, grimacing at the slight pain. "Oh, morning pup," Harry greets bluntly. Liam blushes at the nickname. He places the tray down and helps Harry up onto his feet. "Thanks."

Harry continues to search for a warm outfit, leaving Liam frowning at the mess. "Harry, what are you doing?" Harry grunts, "I'm looking for something to wear. I have to get home. First, I have to catch the bus."

Liam frowns harder. Harry finds that Liam is the only human being who can move the corner of his lips that low.

"Haz, did you see how high the snow is out there?"

Harry simply nods. "Yeah. So?"

"What do you mean, 'so'? It's probably below zero out there. You're going to catch a fever by the time you get to the bus stop," Liam says, watching Harry swim in the pile of clothes.

"I have to get home," Harry answers firmly. Liam starts to whimper. Harry glances up at his boyfriend, his heart practically breaking as he sees Liam pull another one of his amazingly adorable puppy faces. Liam knows that the puppy dog face is one of Harry's biggest weaknesses.

But Harry stays strong, pecking Liam's lips and grabbing the first sweater and pair of pants he can find and makes his way to the bathroom. Liam doesn't give up without a fight. He grabs Harry's wrist and wraps his arms around Harry's small torso. Liam places his head on Harry's shoulder, placing small kisses onto his neck. "Don't go," Liam drawls.

Harry groans quietly. Another weakness Liam pulls out. "Liam, I need to go home. It's Christmas Eve," he whines, feeling himself pull into Liam's innocent act.

"Hell, I can't go home to Wolverhampton because of a big snowstorm but you still have the set mind to still go home to Cheshire and leave your boyfriend in London alone for the holidays?"

Harry sighs. As much as he hates missing his mom's cooking for the holidays, Liam doesn't deserve to have no one to share Christmas with. It wouldn't be the right thing to do.

After a long pause, Liam thinking that Harry wants to go, he sighs and says, "Alright. You can go. Just make sure you have a thick coat, a shovel, a hat, a scarf, you can borrow my boots-"

"Pup, I'm staying."

Liam stops midway, slowly grinning at his boyfriend. "Really? You'll stay?" He asks, his voice going a few octaves higher.

Harry nods, smiling at himself. "Let me go call my parents and tell them I'm not going to be able to be home this year."

Liam agrees. "But wait, go do it in bed. I have a surprise."

"What? Sex?" Harry asks.

Liam laughs, kissing Harry's cheek. "No. But that's tonight's surprise, you spoiler," Liam teases, nibbling Harry's ear before rushing to where he left the tray.

Harry blinks twice in disbelief (to the fact that he'll have Christmas sex tonight) and finds himself laying in bed, leaving a voicemail to his mom's cellphone. A moment later, he looks up at the doorway, finding Liam with a tray of the most delicious breakfast he's ever laid his eyes on. Harry swears he's drooling.

"Ta-da! What do you think?"

Harry barely hears Liam, as he reaches his arms out, begging like a baby begs for their milk. Liam giggles, placing the tray onto Harry's lap and sits right across from him, waiting for his reaction. Usually Harry cooks, so Harry was a bit hesitant to eat anything. The waffles looked perfect, the syrup was drizzled on like it was being painted on, and was that powdered sugar on the top? Harry also noticed two sunny side up eggs, a piece of bread with jelly and a half sliced orange. He wasn't sure what was in the mug until he glanced inside. Hot chocolate.

"Wow Li, thank you," Harry says, smiling at his boyfriend. He takes a bite and sip out of everything, expecting his taste buds to scream in terror at the awful taste. Instead, he was surprisingly satisfied. "Jesus, Liam these are fucking delicious," Harry mutters, digging in to the rest of his food. Liam just smiles, kissing Harry's nose and admiring how he stuffs his face like a pig.

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