Something Cute

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Liam cheers Harry up.

By 1directionxofic on Tumblr

I hated having off days. Lately, I'd been having loads. Everything just annoying me, you know? I'd log on to Twitter and find people moaning about me again, moaning about us, that we don't care. Everything would go wrong, like I'd burn toast, smash a glass, break something. Then I'd go and see Louis to talk about it, and he'd push me away, saying something about Eleanor needing him. He was never like this with Hannah. But I can hardly stop him seeing her. I just thought I was a bit more important, you know? At least I'm important to Liam. He could tell I was annoyed within two seconds.

"What happened?" I ignored him and continued to fiddle with my phone, my normal pouty look on my face. "Harry."


"What's up, mate?"

"Nothing." I continued typing on it until Liam ripped it out of my hands, forcing me to pay attention.

"Come on, don't lie."

"Nothing, I'm fine." I sat up, running a hand through my hair.

"Okay, fine. You don't have to tell me." I sighed happily with relief, leaning against my bed post. "But at least let me cheer you up."

"What do you have in mind?"

He had a lot in mind. Liam dragged me downstairs into the kitchen where he'd been cooking.Cooking. Actually making food, not just heating in a microwave. He never cooked. He sat me down and served up some chicken and bacon macaroni, my absolute favourite. We ate in silence at first, but he broke out into conversation, splitting off into a mixture of topics. He always knew how to bring me out of my shell, but I still refused to tell him what was wrong. He needn't worry.

After we'd finished eating, he cleared the plates away and ran some water, pouring in some washing up liquid. Lemon, always lemon. I loved the smell of lemon. I sat down at the table and watched him, elbows on the table, hands holding my chin. I smiled slightly, just watching him hum to himself as he scrubbed. He never failed to cheer me up, even with a small gesture like a home-cooked meal. It helped me when I was homesick as well. I stood up and walked round the table over to him. I stopped behind him and wrapped my arms round his waist, resting my chin on his shoulder. I could feel his cheeks from into a smile against my temple, and I smiled too. I hugged him for what felt like forever. He dried his ahdns then turned round so we could have a proper hug.

A really nice hug. Warm, loving. The kind that said, 'you don't have to love me, just know that I'll love you always.' But you know, I did love him. I loved him a lot.

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