Part 7- 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑙𝑖𝑎𝑟...

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"So you're telling me you two kissed?!" Hermione says, I'm hanging out with her and Ginny to get my mind off of Theo. I can't believe he just left like that and it's not like I forced him to kiss me, he kissed back. "Oh my merlin Elena, this is bad." Says Ginny. "I know. I shouldn't have kissed him in the first place anyways, I got caught up in the moment and it just.... happened." As I'm speaking I hear someone coming towards the room.

It's George and Fred. Thank god.

"Hello ladies, what's going on here?" George says, me and the twins are great friends and I tell them everything... but this is really embarrassing what should I say *hey guys! Nothings up I just kissed the brother of the most powerful wizard in the Wizarding World no biggie.* holy crap I've messed up.

"Guys you'll never believe what happened! Elena kissed-" I close Ginny's mouth with my hand as she's about to say his name. "Woah woah woah hold on, who'd you kiss?!" F*** "theo." I say in a whisper so they can't hear me. "Who?" "Theo" "speak louder I can't hear you."

"I KISSED MATTHEO RIDDLE." I realized I'd screamed that very loud as I heard people go silent in the Gryffindor common room. "Oh. You messed up bad." Says Fred. As if I didn't know already. I might as well be starting to plan my funeral cause everyone has a crush on Theo and people here will go to the furthest extremes to get what they want.

And I have no doubt I'm a target now.

Hi! So tomorrow (March 29th) is my birthday so I won't be updating the story tomorrow. Also, I've been in a reading and writing slump but I've just gotten back on track with everything and will try to update when I have free time. Thank you for getting this story to 40 something reads, that's literally crazy. Thank you again and stay safe 💕.

𝐷𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑠- Mattheo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now