Getting To The Basics (1)

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"Kyleeeee". My little brother said coming into my room. "Wake up, you have to walk me to school". He said in one breath. "Okay J, Ill be out there in 20 minutes tops". I said kissing his for head. "Kylee i am 9 years old, i dont want to have kissy prints on my forehead from my sister who still have moring breath" He said wiping his forehead really hard. I just laughed and got out of bed. I went into the bathroom, brushed my teeth washed my face. i decided that i would shower when i got home. i put on my PINK sweatpants, and PINK hoodie, and my low top brown UGGS. Once i was dressed, i put my hair into a messy bun and went downstairs.

Once i got downstairs, i instantly got an attitude. My mom was laid out on the couch with her hair looking a mess, and smeared lipstick. Being the whorish drug addict i knew she was, she probally fcked some dude for some Cocaine. "Mom, get up and cook breakfast". I said while kicking her leg that was hanging off the sofa. She didnt buldge. 'MOM!" I yelled. "What the fck do you want Kylee, as you see im trying to get some beauty rest". I laughed sarcastically. "Me and Jace are about to leave, are you going to cook breakfast or not?" I said getting annoyed. "There's some milk in the fridge, and cereal in the cabinets, be a good girl and fix your brother some". she said rolling over on her side. "That milk is 2 weeks over the expiration date!" i yelled. "WELL TO FCKIN BAD!" She said before she got off the couch and slammed the door to her room. "UGHHHH" I said to myself. "J come on!" i yelled up the stairs before grabbing my wallet, and phone off the counter. I guess thats a trip to McDonalds before taking Jace to school.

"Ky im hungry" Jace said. "I know, we're going to go to the McDonalds a few blocks down the street from your school" i told him. "OMG my feet are already hurting, youre telling me we have to walk more?" He said with a exhausted look. "Yes, it'll be quick! its not even that far nigga!" i said punching his arm. "Stop being a big baby" i told him before bending down to tie my shoe. A car passed by with a group full of boys in it and they honked the horn. I rolled my eyes and started back walking.

After walking to Mcdonalds, and Jace ordering damn near the whole breakfast menu, we was arriving at his school door. "Okay Jace, be good. Dont let anyone ruin your day-". I began. "And be careful of my surroundings, yea, yea i know" He said rudely interrupting my lecture. "Dont be a smart ass J". i said punching him in the arm. "Now go make big sis proud". i told him. "Okay, see you later." he said walking through the front door of his school.

As i walked up the stairs, i noticed some new neighbors moving in next door. I waved and gave a freindly smile before opening the front door. I went into my room and got ready to pick out my clothes before my phone started to vibrate. I looked down to see a text message from my bestfriend Naomi.

Nay: Heyyy bishh, you want me to come over and get you before i go to school or nah?

Me: Yea , i just got home from walking Jace, im tired as hell. Im finna get in the shower and i'll call you after. k?

Nay: Ok Cool.

I threw my phone back on the bed, and went to my closet. Since its fall time, i picked out black leggings, A black and grey sweater that reads "PARIS" on the front and a long grey cardigan with my Michael Kors thigh high boots. I was about to be the finer than wine. I grabbed my victoria secret body wash, and towel, and went into the bathroom to take my shower.


*Horn blows"

My bestfriend was outside and i had finished putting on my makeup. i looked in the mirror and i was BAD. I wasnt just any Dominican. I had long black hair that stopped in the middle of my back, brown eyes, and 2 very deep dimples. I was thick in all the right places. I took a picture for instagram, and posted it. I grabbed my black and grey Michael Kors purse, my phone, my charger, and my earphones.

Naomi: Bitch who you looking cute for?

Me: My damn self. Hey to you too Nay. Damn. I aint even got in the car all the way yet and you already down my back!

Naomi: Girl whatever. Who moving in next door?

Me: I dont know. I think some old people. I seen an old woman telling her husband to get the antiques out the truck.

Naomi: Damn, we never get any fine people in this damn neighborhood!

Me: Girl i know!


School was a dragg. I texted Coach Reese to see if we had practice, she said no. THANK GOD. It was the almost November, and i was doing good, i had only a few more months until im a senior. First and second period went by kind of fast. I had a Lit paper due next class period and i havent even started it. It was now 9:30 at night and I had to call Naomi and get her ass to help me with my paper. As soon as i was about to call her, my phone lit up.

Nay: Girrrrl you wont believe who i just seen walking with Kaleef.

Me: Whoo girl?


I felt my heart jump into my shoes. Malik?! She cant be possibly talking about the boy i've been in love with ever since he kissed me under the football field bleachers. Not only was Malik my first love, he broke my heart. I swear to myself that the day i moved from New York to come to Atlanta, i would never love again. Before i could get my thoughts together, Naomi texted me again.

Nay: Did you tell him?

I didnt text back, all i could do was cry. I fell to my knees and cried my life away.

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