Helpless (10)

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Kylee's POV

When i seen my daddy I was kind of caught of gaurd. I look back and forth between my daddy and Malik. Malik had never met my dad. I was kind of scared for him. 

"Hey daddy" I said walking towards him. 

"Hey Smiley." He kissed my forehead. 

"Who is this young man?" My dad said.

"Dad..This is Malik...... My Boyfriend." I looked up at my daddy and he just stared at Malik. Sizing him up and what not. 

"Malik, whats your rank?" My dad asked him.

Wtf did that mean?!

"My dad sent his empire down on me, a while ago. Im Boss man." Malik said.

Were they talking in codes or some shit?!

"Oh yea, Who your dad?" My daddy said. 

"Carlos.." Malik said holding his head held high. I guess his dad was really important or something. He said it like his dad owned the United States of America. 

My dad pulled me closer to him, my eyes got wider. He couldnt be talking about the Carlos i think he's talking about. 

"He sent you?" My dad said through gritted teeth.

"No, I came here to be with Kylee. Im in love with her sir." Malik said looking at my daddy crazy. 

"Get the fuck out NOW! If you ever come near her again i swear!" My dad said walking towards Malik. He had pushed me behind him. 

"WHAT ? No . Malik stay! Daddy you just cant kick out my company like that. He's my boyfriend!" I said screaming at my dad. I had never screamed at him before but he was crossing the line trying to throw Malik out. I know who his dad was, and i honestly didnt think that Malik came here to 'kill me' or whatever my dad thought. 

"Kylee he dosent love you! He only here because his dad sent him here. His dad is the one who came up in the house that day looking for me. You remember?" He said holding my face so i was looking at him. 

"Yes I remember daddy, but Malik would never do that to me!" I said 

"What?!" Malik said stepping towards us. 

"I swear i didnt know Kylee, you have to believe me! I would never use you so my dad could get revenge on someone. Please Kylee believe me when i say i knew nothing of this!"

I knew that he didnt come here for what my daddy was accusing him for, but everything just happened so fast. The room was spinning, and next thing you know all i seen was black..


I woke up in a hospital bed. My arm was connected to so many IV's. They were hurting me. I lifted my arm to take them out when a hand reached over to stop me. 

"No Kylee.. Its to help you." Malik said to me. I look at him. He looked a mess. His hair was everywhere, he had blood on his shirt, and his eyes were read.

"Malik, what am i doing here?" I said lifting my head up. I instantly got a headache.. I put my hand on my forehead and laid back down.

"You fainted..Do you remember what happened?"

"Yes.. Where's my dad." I asked looking around.

"He went to go get you some food." He said.

"Malik wassup? I need you to be completely honest with me." I said looking him in his eyes.

He sighed and put his hands on his face. Why was he being so weird?

"Kylee i have to tell you something." Malik said.

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