Dont Let The Bed Bugs Bite 17

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Kylee POV
Me and Nay was at the mall. We had been in H & M , Body Central , and Wet Seal. We were about to walk into Forever 21 .

"And then this nigga had the nerve to try to cuddle with me during the night, you know I was so irked Nay." I said referring to Malik trying to sleep with me.

"Bih you know that boy love you, he only act like a dickhead because he hate to see you with other niggas, who could possibly take you from him. Tbh Malik is obsessed Ky. He would do anything for you, and you know it."

That was tru. it scared me that he was crazy about me. Ever since his dad gave him his empire, he had been running it. He stepped back a little for the baby's sake until his hoes started taking the place of our family time.

"I'm just over the bullshit Nay. If he wants us, he going to have to do more then throw a temper tantrum to get us." I said searching through a rack of dresses.

I finally found a all black dress with a diamond cut back. It was cute as shit.
"I feel you, that's how I was with KJ. He was so sweet at first, then he got side tracked..." She said.
She chewed on the side of her cheek. She only did that when she was nervous, or knew something.

I guess she noticed me staring and peeping her gesture, and stopped filing through the clothes and face towards me.

"I been seeing this girl.. She bad as shit, and she pregnant. She's always trying to kill me. But KJ saves me. Every time." She said.

I was shocked.

"And what are you doing when she's trying to kill you?"

"I'm holding my baby putting him to sleep."

"You seen what it looks like?"

"Yea.. He's so beautiful. He looks just like KJ."

We were now walking up to the cash register.

We had about 10 outfits put together a piece.

"Your total will be 105.43" The young girl said at behind the register.
I pulled out my debit card.

"Debit or credit." The girl said. Her name tag read 'Lo'.


"Nay you want me to buy yours too?" I said looking over at her.
She was completely frozen.

"Nay you good???"

"Y-y-yea. I'm good... I'll pay for mines. Thanks tho Ky bear."

She said giving me a crooked smile.

"Okay.. I said looking between her and the girl.. She seemed as she knew her.

Her face was filled with fear, and her skin had little beats of sweat on it.

I paid for my clothes, and so did she.

Once we walked out the store she started breathing fast.

"Ky that was her!!!"

"Her?" I said turning around.

"Her who?"

"The girl in my dream! Her name is Lo! I know who she is."

"Omg.. It's not who you think it is ?"

"It's the girl KJ cheated on me with" she said with anger in her eyes.

"And she's pregnant" 😤😤


Malik's POV

Since Ky left me here with her fam, I decided to go to the trap. It's doing very good. My nigga Peanut been looking out for me there. Since Ky pregnant I been trying to focus on her, but when you got hoes who constantly throw pussy at you, and a moody baby mama.... Who would you choose ?

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