I love you, i do (5)

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Kylee POV
"Why didnt you tell me about the baby?" He said softly.

I dropped the phone.
How the hell did he find out about it?!

"Naomi!! Wake up!" I was creeping the hell out. I needed to get answers... NOW!

"What girl?! You see I'm trying to sleep!" She said rubbing her eyes.

I looked over to see Jace looking around, like a Lost puppy.

"Go in your room J, goodnight" I said closing my door.

Me: "How the hell did Malik find out about the baby?"
Nay: "He WHAT?!" She said getting up off the floor. "Kylee I swear I didn't tell him, I would never tell anyone about that. You know that!" She said defending herself.
"Kylee!" I heard someone say. I was looking around. Nothing. As I was about to talk, I heard it again..
"KYLEE! I know you hear me calling you!" Malik said loudly.

Oh shit. I forgot he was on the phone.

I ran over to my phone and shushed Naomi.

"Yes?" I said innocently.
"Are you going to answer my question?! I can't believe you didn't tell me Kylee!" He was mad. I could tell by the way he was talking.
"Tell you?! How could I tell you?! You left me remember? No number, no email, no address. Nothing!" I screamed into the phone.

Malik: "This is not the kind of conversation we need to have over the phone. Come meet me."

Me: Malik it is 2 o clock in the morning! I am not coming back out!
Malik: "I can't sleep knowing that I left you here with my seed. I can't think straight.. I need to see you NOW Kylee. Please just give me your address. I need to talk to you. I'll tell you anything you want to know I just want to know what happened." He said. It sounded like he need this.

Me: "2095 Piney Circle. Be here in 10 minutes or I'm going to sleep." And with that I hung up the phone.


Not even 10 minutes after me and Malik got off the phone, there was a knock at my door.

Me and Naomi went downstairs together. I opened the door. Malik was standing in the door with sweatpants, a V- neck shirt, beanie, Nike slides and bloodshot red eyes.

Naomi: I'll be down here... If you need me just call my name.

Malik: Hey Naomi.

Naomi didn't say nothing. She gave Malik the nastiest look ever. She didn't like him because of how he treated me. I don't blame her.

"Come on let's go in my room." I said. He didn't reply. He followed me up the steps and closed my door.

It was quiet for a while before he finally said something.
"May I sit on your bed?" He asked.
"Sure" I said scooting over on the edge of my bed. He sat down directly next to me.
I was irked, but I kept my anger bottled up within me.
"So are you going to tell me?" He said playing with his fingers.

I began to speak...

"The day you left me, I had to walk home. It took me 2 hours to get back.. My mom was high, and Jace was aleep. After that I didn't go any where, nor did I do anything, I was very antisocial for a long time.
A few months after you left I tried to kill my self. I had took a bottle of pills, that were prescribed for my mom." I was now crying at this point.
"I needed you Malik and you weren't there for me!" He grabbed me and pulled me into his arms.
"My mom found me in my closet, and called 911. They rushed me to the hospital. They pumped my stomach, and that's when they told me I was pregnant."
"Kylee...." Malik said. I put my hand up to him.
"I'm not finished.... I was 2 months pregnant when they told me. They had to put me on suicide watch for the baby's safety. I had only told Naomi and she was very helpful. Getting me whatever I needed, when I asked. A few weeks later i miscarried. Naomi's mom took me to the hospital, and they got the baby out and had a small funeral afterwards." I wiped my tears, and sat up straight.
"Kylee Im sorry I wasn't there for you! I'm sorry I caused you all this pain. I'm sorry that I left you in the middle of the street, crying. I'm sorry Kylee. I'm so sorry" Malik said wrapping his arms tighter around me.

"I'm not going to say it was okay... But I do forgive you. I forgive you because now, I can move on with my life." I said.
"Move on?" His eyes filled with tears. I just know he ain't gonna cry.
"Yes move on, you hurt me badly Malik."
"I know Kylee and leaving you was the dumbest thing I ever did. I swear it!" He told me pulling away from our hug looking into my eyes. His apologies, and the acknowledgment of his fuck ups almost seemed like it came from his ice cold heart.
"Why did you leave? Be completely honest with me. Please..." I said with begging eyes.
"I left because... My dad is a Trap god. Since I was going to be grown in a few years, that meant that his business would be passed down to me. My dad has a lot of enemies, and unpaid debt. People want to kill him. If I would've stayed here, the people after him would have found a way to you. And I swear Kylee, I would lose my mind if something happened to you." He said running my cheek with the pad of his thumb.
I couldn't believe it. Was he telling me that he only left to protect me?
"Why didn't you just say something? I would have understood." I said.
"I didn't know how you would react if I told you that straight up." He said to me. I guess he was kind of right.
"I love you Malik, and I accepted you flaws and all, the first day I met you. I would never judge you.. After all the stuff I told you about me and my fam, you think I would do that" I Said.

He put his head down.

"Give me another chance Kylee. I swear I won't hurt you no more. I will take care of you girl. I promise." He said grabbing my hands.
"I can't." I said softly with my head down.
"Just think about it okay?" He got up and kissed me on the cheek. I didn't really trip because I was to weak to fight with him at that moment.

Before he walked out the door, he turned around and said "I love you Kylee, and now that I'm back. I'm never leaving you.. never again.... Goodnight" and then closed the door.

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